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HIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!! I decided to write a short epilogue for this story. Hope you enjoyed the story! Leave a comment and tell me what you think! :)

"I can walk, you know."



Draco gave an exasperated huff and lifted Harry off the hospital bed, "Harry, you can barely stand, you're not walking. You're lucky I'm letting you leave the hospital this early."

"You're babying me."

"Get used to it."

Harry huffed and wrapped his arms around Draco's neck to help balance himself. "Well, at least don't bang my head against the floo entrance this time."

"I didn't mean to last time!"

"Still did it."

"You're starting to get on my nerves, Harry."

"It's what I do best, Draco. Get used to it."

Draco rolled his eyes, "Got used to it a long time ago. Throw some floo powder in, will you?"

Harry grabbed a handful of floo powder out of the jar on top of the fireplace and threw it onto the fire. Draco quickly stepped inside—taking extra care not to hit Harry's head—and yelled, "MALFOY MANOR!"

When they finally stopped spinning, Draco gracefully stepped out of the floo and sat a dizzy Harry on the couch. "See?" Draco said smugly as he sat down beside Harry and gently pulled him closer. "Aren't you glad I carried you?"

"Hush," Harry murmured as he burrowed himself into Draco's chest. "Are the Weasleys coming over today?"

Draco shook his head, "I told them to wait until tomorrow to give you time to settle back into routine."

Harry nodded gratefully, closed his eyes, and yawned. Draco grinned and kissed the top of Harry's head, "Tired, love?"

"A bit," Harry mumbled.

"Well, come on, then," Draco slid his arms under Harry and lifted him up, gently cradling him to his chest. Draco carried him up the stairs and into their bedroom. "Let's put on some clean bandages and then we can go to bed."

Harry nodded and Draco helped him tug his shirt over his head. Draco then went into their shared bathroom and grabbed the new bandages. When he walked into their bedroom, he saw that Harry was trying to unwrap the bandages covering his torso himself, and obviously having trouble.

"Let me help you, love," Draco smiled as he gently unwrapped the bandages from Harry's torso. What he saw made his eyes fill with tears and his stomach do flip flops. "Harry," he whispered.

Harry noticed his boyfriend's distress and quickly soothed, "They're not as bad as they look."

Draco was quiet as he reached forward and ghosted his fingertips over the gashes that marred Harry's torso. Draco was so quiet for so long, in fact that Harry started to get worried.

"Draco?" he murmured tentatively.

"Did they use the Sectumsempra on you?" Draco asked without looking up.

Harry was quiet.

"Oh, God," Harry whispered, closing his eyes.

"Draco," Harry took Draco's hands in his and laced their together. "Draco look at me."

After a moment's hesitation, Draco raised his head and his watery grey orbs met Harry's bright green ones. Harry rubbed his thumbs soothingly over Draco's knuckles.

"I'll kill them," Draco whispered, letting go of Harry's hands so that he could cup Harry's face gently.

Harry's hands came up to rest over Draco's as he whispered, "No."

"They hurt you."

"I know," Harry pressed their foreheads together. "And they're in Azkaban now. They got their punishment."

"They deserve the Dementor's kiss," Draco hissed. His eyes had gone dark, and he didn't look any less threatening by the wetness in them. "They deserve to be killed."

"Maybe," Harry murmured. "But my point is that I'm here, I'm alive, and everything's going to be okay."

Draco swallowed and let go of Harry's face. "Let's finish rewrapping your wounds, then we'll go to bed," he said, his voice rough.

"You don't have to go to sleep with me if you don't want," Harry murmured, watching his boyfriend carefully as he rewrapped his wounds. "It's only two in the afternoon."

Draco gave him a dry smile, "It's fine, Harry."

Harry sighed.

Draco finished wrapping Harry's torso and helped him slip on some comfortable clothes before crawling under the covers with Harry. Harry looked up at Draco as he situated himself against Draco's chest. "I love you," he murmured.

Draco grinned and pressed their lips together briefly before whispering, "I love you, too."

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