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A/N Comment your feelings darlings 🫶 enjoy

I swept my hair off my shoulder as i stepped inside the crowded room, full of clearly wealthy and snobby people.

I instantly hated myself for agreeing to do this when i noticed some of the stares i was getting from people around me. There weren't many people my age here, except maybe a few here and there which made sense since it's a business event, but it just meant i gained more weird stares from middle aged women hanging off the arms of their husbands.

Nevertheless, i smiled politely and headed to the bar just to keep myself occupied until i got my chance to sneak off to where i needed to be and then go home.

I felt slightly awkward standing at the bar by myself when i clearly wasn't of drinking age, so i asked the bartender for a bottle of water and sat myself on a stool.

I repeated in my head over and over that i was doing this for Beth and her mom. No matter how uncomfortable i felt, i had to get through it so i can help them in the least way i could.

I was handed a bottle of water and a tall glass of what seemed to be a martini was placed right next to it.

I widened my eyes, shocked that they'd give me this when I hadn't even given them my ID when the bartender points a finger towards a man standing at the end of the counter with a smile on his face.

"Shit." I cursed to myself and quickly looked away when i noticed him stand up.

It was futile because the man still walked up to me and touched my shoulder as he sat down next to me.

Fuck. This really wasn't what i needed today.

I smiled at him uncomfortably as he got himself comfortable.

"Whats a pretty girl like you doing here by yourself?" I almost rolled my eyes at the terrible line but forced myself to chuckle since i was here on behalf mother's company and this man seemed very rich.

My eyes slipped to the gold rolex on his wrist, shining under the dimmed lights.

I stayed silent for too long because he started introducing himself. "Im Mike sweetheart, what's your name?"

Mike wasn't an unattractive man per se but he was clearly way older than me.

He had a head full of hair but it was gray and swept to a side. His also grey eyes almost closed when he smiled and he had striking features that im sure would've swept any other woman off her feet.

But i could probably be his daughter.

"Im Sofia Black." I answered, shaking the hand he had reached out.

I used my full name so he'd realise who i was and it seemed that i was successful as realisation adored his eyes.

"Oh i see. CR.Black, right?" He asked and suddenly the flirty tone he had used earlier faded away. Thank Goodness. "You must be her daughter." He muttered in a disappointed tone.

"Yeah, thats right," i chuckled at his disappointed face. "Is that a problem?"

"Dont take it personally sweetheart, but your mother is a right bitch."

My eyes widened and i tried keeping in my laugh my hardest as i bit the side of my cheek.

Agreeing with him, no matter how accurate, would look bad right now.


"Sorry-" he interrupted me with a laugh. "Ive had far too much to drink."

I smiled awkwardly as he stood up with a sigh.

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