PART !!! 10

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Cecilia flowers always grew around AUBREYs house. It was a common fact among the friends.

Her mother always removed them though

AUBREY always enjoyed the smell of Cecilia flowers before going to bed.


A bland white area surrounds MICHIKO, no pink door radiating a yellow glow, infact, there was no BUN BUN.

Instead of BUN BUN, there was a cat..

She recognizes the cat, MEWO.

"Why is MEWO here?" MICHIKO whispers, not registering that she is speaking aloud

"Why are you here?" A familiar voice spoke, behind MICHIKO.

"Whaa-" MICHIKO turned around, a monochrome boy around her height was standing behind her.

"Who are you?"

"Stupid question.."

"Eh? Just answer it!"


OMORI.. OMORI... wait-


"Yup, welcome to WHITESPACE, I guess"

"Why the fuck do you look like that"

"Rude, but I've always looked like this"

"Nooo your purple"

"Yeah, in your HEADSPACE I am"



A bland white door appeared behind MICHIKO, near a broken light bulb.

"Hm, I guess it wouldn't hurt to see your HEADSPACE"

The two enter NEIGHBORS ROOM, BIG YELLOW CAT stares down at them.

"What the fuck is tha-"



MICHIKO looked at OMORI, then realizing well shit, if this is OMORIS HEADSPACE, then he is the DREAMER

"Do you have a new friend here?"


"Ah, well go on and have fun"

OMORI turns to some stairs

"Pfff- ironic"

"What's ironic?"

"You'll see if we get there"

"Uhmm... okay..?"

The two walk up the stairs and enter VAST FOREST, a walkway to HS PARK is infront of them.

"Is that a park?"

"I like parks


"Shut up"

The duo entered the park, OMORI turned to a picnic,



"Oh- wait what"

"Normally I say nothing here so you're lucky as fuck"

"Well, ok then"


"OMORI! Where have you been?"


"And... who are you, miss?"

"I'm uh MICHIKO"

"Nice to meet you MICHIKO! Give me a second to deal with my little brother"

"Oh uh okay"

"OMORI!! I'm serious, where have you been?!"


"You made us all so worried, I'm glad you're okay though"

"Can I please just go back to BLACKSPACE" OMORI muttered, MARI didn't hear him, but MICHIKO sure did

"The fuck-"

OMORI grabbed MICHIKOs arm and ran towards a clearing,

"OMORI? Where are you going?!"

The "sweet and innocent" duo reached a house, or.. a shoe?

It looked like it was falling apart..

They both walked inside

"Is that a fucking hole?"

"Just trust me on this"

"Uhm... okay...?"

OMORI jumped into the hole first, MICHIKO went next, hesitantly.



Alright and we are done with chapter 10 babyy

445 words

Michiko AU (OMORI Bad Ending Aftermath)Where stories live. Discover now