My Incredibly (cliche) Awkward Enterance

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I suppose I should have been grateful to the driver for taking me all the way here, but I really wasn't. Who wanted to be shipped to an unknown household for reasons that you didn't know?

I looked up at a huge mansion, eyes widening. How did people even live in these places? It was so dark and damp...and it looked creepy. I shuddered. It was getting colder, and a drizzle kept my vision the slightest bit fuzzy. But I could still tell the mansion was intimidating.

I didn't have much belongings other than a plain black duffle bag containing some my art supplies. I couldn't bring a keyboard along, unfortunately. The rest of my belongings consisted of the basic things like clothes and such.

I wondered why mom sent me here. Was it because she just wanted me gone out of her hair? I guess a daughter who refused to speak was pretty annoying. But honestly, my mom wasn't that great of a mom either. She would try and be motherly, but I guess it wasn't her style.

I sighed and entered the gate that separated me from the huge mansion. It looked less scary without the gate in front of it. I rubbed my arms through my sweater, just to keep the nerves down. This was the first time I had ever been actually living with other people outside my actual home.

I trudged up the stairs and knocked on the door timidly. Nothing. I pushed open the door, and walked in. There was still nothing. No people. Huh. That was strange...I looked around the room, blinking the water from my eyelashes, then rubbed my eyes with the sleeve of my sweater. It was...fabulous. I nearly drooled at the pretty architecture and furniture. It was not modern, more classic. And I loved it.

Back at my old home, I was actually living in quite a wealthy family, my family being successful in the business industry. I had all the things I wanted, as long as I got good grades and behaved...

But I never could speak up for myself. I was seen as the shy girl who kept to herself. Every time I would present a project or a report, I would always stutter and make mistakes and everyone would laugh. I would be too embarrassed and ashamed to finish my presentation. Sometimes I would just stop talking in a particular classroom altogether. It was better than being laughed at.

I realized that I had been wandering for a while now. I really had no idea why I zoned out so much. Before I knew it, I was in a room that actually had people inside of it. Only one other girl sat in an armchair, looking quite scared. She was actually very pretty, having wavy blonde hair and pink eyes. I would probably ask her if I could draw her one day. The rest were guys. And they were very, very hot. Like, superstar hot. It made me all the more nervous.

Then I wondered, was it just me, or is it weird to see cracks in walls there someone obviously punched it? And is it also weird for the there only to be one girl in the midst of sexy guys? I set my lips into a straight line. My brain went blank. Why can't I find words to speak? My face heated up. My mouth wasn't working. All I wanted to say was "Excuse me," but my jaw wouldn't move. Why was it? I didn't want to make a mistake. I didn't want to stutter any longer. But saying two words couldn't be that hard...

"-So treat them with respect." A sleepy golden-haired guy was finishing his sentence. His voice sounded lazy and tired.

"So, pancake here is the new prospective bride? Where's the second one?" A red head asked, before he unfortunately saw me turning around to leave. "Oh, is this the other girl?"

My eyes widened a fraction.


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