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Before I dare to even begin this wonderful story! There are some things you all need to know first.

First is this book is based off The the witchcraft smp. If you have no clue what that is, the go watch it on YouTube.

Second, this book has the queer, the big gay, fruity even. Don't like it? Then please leave! Don't leave any negative comments. Just leave.

Thrid, Pris and Eloise are okay with me writing this. Yes I double checked with both the creators. If they ever are uncomfortable with this fic, then I'll get rid of it. I will be sad if I do need to delete this book. But maybe I'll keep it in my drafts to write in private or something.

Fourth, my writing isn't exactly perfect. It's not terrible. It's definitely not perfect. The fact I'm willing to write this knowing Pris might read this on stream is shocking for me. I'm not all that confident in my writing. It's a family members fault.

I will also say this, English is my first language. So don't even try that. It honestly annoys me when people just assume you speak another language just because you're grammar sucks. Look guys, some people just struggle with grammar! It's not because they speak a different language. Oh, any negative comments about my writing will be deleted. If you want me to fix something, do so politely. Got it?

Fifth, this book may contain some cursing. Nothing to bad don't worry. Just damn it, bloody hell, hell, Frick, shit maybe an f bomb. No, no f bombs actually. There will be no slurs as well.

Sixth, there will be NO smut, Leon, adult time, whatever you want to call that. IF I decide to do it I'll time skip it or switch POVs. Again, I'm trying to not upset any of the YouTubers in this book. If you want smut go find it somewhere else. I'm sure there's books like that. And yeah that concerns me.

Small rant here. Like I said go find smut somewhere else. I know there's probably smut somewhere out there. I know I'm not looking for it. These eight witches are comfort YouTubers. Mostly Lauren, Pris, and Eloise. When I'm having a shitty day, I turn on one of these three and have a marathon. Lauren is the main comfort YouTuber I watch. I'm not tainting that with looking up stuff like that on these people.

Seventh, I have two of my own characters joining in on this book. Herm and Evil ( Lewis) a witch and a demon. Two bisexual's and one asexual ( Herm )

And finally some things about the cast!

Pris - water witch/ vampire queen

Eloise- Illinoisan witch human

Lauren- sand witch/ human

Scott- necromancer/ werewolf

Joey- vampire king/ fire and frost witch

Tif- nature witch

Bertha- herself

Shelby- Strom witch

Celo- zombie/ time witch

Herm- witch/ human

Evil ( Lewis )- demon

Other info

Joye and Pris get along with one another.

Lauren is still angry at Joye.

Lauren isn't half sandwich.

Eloise and Scott are siblings.

The rest of the witches are humans.

That's basically it.

I'm truely going out of my comfort zone with this.

I already have the first chapter done, so I'll have that up later after I publish this chapter.

I do hope everyone enjoys this book. And uh yeah the next chapter will be up in a few minutes.

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