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dear pusheen,

cute pseudonym, it suits your personality! or well, from what i can tell. thank you for the valentines! the bear was adorable, and the chocolates were my favorite, actually!

and you've liked me since our first year? i kinda feel bad that i have no idea who you could be, you hide yourself well, pusheen! i tried to cheat and ask chigiri who you were, but he kept his mouth shut. i hope we meet one day.

also, i dont think you're some weird, crazy stalker. i personally think its quite cute, actually! do you come to all of our games? can i atleast get that much of a hint? please, pusheen?

thank you for the kind words, too! sometimes, i feel like i get too heated while i play soccer, and after, it's kinda embarassing hearing my teammates talk about how crazy i was. but, it's nice to know that someone admires me!

from, isagi yoichi.

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