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There were two boys, Vincent and Oliver. They were childhood friends who did everything together. They played video games, rode their bikes, and even went on camping trips with their families. They were inseparable.

However, in middle school, something changed. Vincent began to realize that he had feelings for Oliver that went beyond just friendship. He struggled with these feelings for a long time, trying to figure out how to tell Oliver.

Finally, one day, Vincent worked up the courage to tell Oliver that he was gay and that he had feelings for him. Oliver was shocked and didn't know how to respond. He had never thought about being gay before, and the idea made him uncomfortable.

Oliver began to distance himself from Vincent. He didn't want to be friends anymore and started hanging out with a different crowd. Vincent was heartbroken. He had lost his best friend and had no idea how to move on.

Soon, they both started high school. Vincent was doing great. He had gotten into the scholarship program and was an all-A student. He had also come out to his family and was accepted for who he was. He was happy and thriving.

On the other hand, Oliver was struggling. He was hanging out with the wrong people and getting into trouble. He was failing his classes and didn't seem to care. He was constantly angry and lashed out at anyone who tried to help him.

Vincent tried to reach out to Oliver, but he was always met with hostility. Oliver's internalized homophobia had turned into a deep-seated anger that he couldn't control. He blamed Vincent for everything that had gone wrong in his life.

It wasn't until much later that Oliver realized that his anger wasn't really about Vincent being gay. It was about his own insecurities and fears. He had been so scared of the idea of being gay that he couldn't handle it when someone close to him came out.

Vincent had moved on by then. He had found new friends and was happy with who he was. He had forgiven Oliver long ago and hoped that one day, Oliver would be able to forgive himself too.

Word: 369
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