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It was Sunday morning and Sameen was getting ready to go to the orphanage. Since her parents death she spend her Sunday's with the kids at the orphanage.

Khalid was also at home today. His father's words were repeating in his mind from yesterday. His eyes moves towards Sameen, observing her.

"Where" Khalid asked rudely.

"I'm going to the orphanage!" Sameen said confused as he never asked about her whereabouts.

"Did you get my permission. From now onwards you will ask me for permission. And today you are not going anywhere." He said pointing his finger toward the door.

"This is my life you can't control me khalid and what is my fault that you are behaving like that." Sameen calmly stated.

"Don't you dare to disobey me Sameen. I don't want you to go outside and meet your lovers."

"You know khalid i had never in my dreams anticipated that you will raise a finger on my character. I know you hate me but i assumed that you are a good person and will never judge a person without knowing them. I think i was wrong, you are a ill mannered and a shallow person. I just wish that allah guide you to a better path." A tear escaped from her eyes and she walked outside the door leaving a confused khalid behind.

Confused because when ever she speaks its
like she is telling the truth but he can't forget the encounter between her and Rafiq.

Currently khalid was hanging out with his friends. Some of them were smoking and others were drinking beer.

"Khalid here have some" one of his friend said offering him beer.

"No thanks i am fine" khalid declined politely.

Khalid doesn't drink but he does have a habit of smoking. But today he was not in the mood. Since morning after Sameen's outburst he was feeling a little bit down and guilty.

"What happened you look a little off today." Hamza, Khalid's cousin and close friend asked him. Khalid knew if he told hamza his problem he will give him a better advice as Hamza is a mature person and he won't even tell anyone about it. So Khalid told him everything about Rafiq and Sameen.

" are you serious khalid how can you doubt sameen. You have spend your whole life with her in one place, you should know her better than anyone else. Mend your relationship with her before its too late."

After staying there some time more he left from there and without any specific reason he parked the car in front of the orphanage where Sameen was.

Getting out of the car he walked towards the building. Dark clouds were rising above the sky and light winds were blowing. From a distance he saw Sameen with some kids. She was playing with them and a beautiful smile was decorating her face.

Seeing her beautiful smile Khalid's face light up as if he had seen an angel. His body starts moving towards her. Sameen was now helping the kids to get inside the building as suddenly it begins to rain. As she turned around to see if someone left behind, she came face to face with khalid who was standing close to her.

"Khalid what are y......"

"Shhhh let me speak" khalid placed his finger on Sameen's lip.

Then he moved her wet locks behind her ears as if he was in a trance.

"Am sorry for the morning argument. I shouldn't have said all those things. So as a sorry i came here to pick you up." Sameen was just looking at him and didn't utter a word. She thought it was a dream and if she blink it will vanish.

In past years Khalid had hurt her many times with his words but this was the first time he apologised.

"SAMEEN!" Someone shouted her name from behind and she moved back immediately. Khalid also start fidgeting with his hands as if he was caught stealing candy.

Sameen bid her goodbye to everyone and sat in the car with khalid. Immediately khalid start coughing and sneezing.

He looked toward Sameen expecting her to say something but she remained quiet.

After reaching home Sameen quickly prepared herbal tea for khalid. As she walked inside the room,khalid was searching for medicine. His cold was getting worse due to wet clothes.

"You should change the clothes first then drink this tea. It will help you." Placing the tea on nightstand she moved back but khalid caught her wrist and made her stand in front of him.

"D....did you (sneeze) sorry . I mean did you accepted my (Sneeze) apology." Khalid said covering his mouth with one hand.

"Leave me khalid i have to prepare dinner" sameen kept struggling to free her wrist from his hold.

"First you answer my question" khalid asked stubbornly.

"Your one apology cannot change anything in my broken life. What about those times you hurt me without even thinking. So what changed this time"

"I....i want to kn...."

"Khalid" Mr khan shouted.

"Coming baba, this is not over we will talk later" Khalid said before leaving the room.

"Yes baba"

"Mr Javed invited us to dinner tonight and that is me, you and your ammi. So be ready before 7 o'clock" Mr khan said while reading the newspaper.

"What about Sameen baba she can't be here all alone"

"Nothing will happen to her don't worry and your are coming with us. I will hear no more excuses. Am i clear"

"Yes baba" khalid agreed before he moved towards the stairs.

"Khalid can you please bring me our new project's file from office. I forget them at the office yesterday"

Khalid nodded his head and went outside the house.

Upon hearing the noise of engine Mr khan called Sameen inside the study room.

"Sameen my daughter come here" Mr khan said sweetly "actually khalid is working on a project which was your father's dream project so he needed your signature on some documents. Can you please sign them"

"Of course mammujaan (uncle)" Sameen took the pen and without reading she signed the papers.

"Ok you can go now" Mr khan said without looking at her. When Sameen left the room, he started laughing like a mad man.

"Ah Sameen, you foolish girl start counting your days in this house because now I got what I wanted and I don't have to tolerate your presence here anymore" he said with an evil smile on his face and took out his phone to call someone.

"Hello, are you ready for tonight" Mr khan said to the person on the phone.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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