Chapter - 23

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Taehyung doesn't have any idea about where Jungkook is.He doesn't want this also. He wants Jungkook to himself and to stay forever with him. He is not like this earlier but with these situations Taehyung can feel that new side of him is emerging.He have lot of questions in his mind due to what Jungkook had told him. Why we have to keep Jieun happy? He have no idea about Jieun's health condition. At least he doesn't know how Jieun becam disabled. He doesn't know why he is not interested to find these out. Maybe he is afraid that the picture he made about her will be changed.Why Jieun is happy with us?How?Is she by 'us' referred only to Jungkook and Hiro. Then what about him? He also wanted to be happy. Taehyung made a mental note about these questions to be later asked by Jungkook.

Jungkook drove as fast as he can 'cause he can't let his princess to stay scared.The voice of his daughter crying and asking for help echoed through his mind. As soon as he came into the particular house he ran towards the door. He had no confident to look at her even. What father can see his daughter like that?The door is widely opened and he entered to the house as all the house members are in the living room.

"Jungkook you don't have to...."Jieun was unable to complete as a little snowball ran towards him and hugged his legs. He lifted her up upto his level and placed numerous kisses to calm her down.

"It's okay princess. I am here now."Jungkook said in between kisses and looked at her messy condition.

" ar-rre ver---ry baddd.Th-hhey hit-tt J-joonie unc-cle."Hiro managed to say in between the hiccups and Jungkook looked at Namjoon. Jin is currently putting oinments on his bruises.Jin's and Mrs. Lee's eyes are teary showing off how much the condition is terrible.

"We have to take him to a hospital."Jin said without looking at Namjoon. He can't look at his condition.

"No no I'm.okay."Namjoon said managing to make a

"Who hit him?"Jungkook asked. Hiro fell asleep in his hug and Jungkook rocked her up to sleep more.

"The same gang. He is writing an article about them."Jieun said.She hated how she can't do anything helpful right at the moment.

"We should leave from here."Mrs. Lee said fearing to the end.

"But Jieun can't travel. You know that mom."Jin said.

"I will stay with her. At least you two go even for a short time. It is so dangerous to be here."Mrs. Lee said convincing.

"I think Mrs. Lee is correct."Jungkook said. He wanted to leave now but it is not decent to go in the middle.

"But I can't let her be alone."Jin said. He was always the best brother for Jieun.

"It's okay hyung. You can go."Jieun said. For her also separating from Jin is so hard. But she have to prepare for it very soon.

"It will be no problem Jin. I am also there."Jungkook said reassuring the elder.

"Jungkook you can go now.  It's late already."Jieun said as she don't want anything to affect Jungkook's and Taehyung's relationship.With a small smile Jungkook noded and left to come to his home.

As soon as the door opened Taehyung jumped into him. Jungkook held up him  more gladly and placed him on the sofa. Jungkook went to close the door in the middle of the whinnings and smiled upon his cute behaviour. He lifted Tae up in bridal style and went upto bed and ended up cuddling. Jungkook peppered Tae with his soft kisses and hugged tightly and eventually fell asleep.

Jungkook woke up earlier as he wanted to stare at his baby without any disturb even from him. He removed the soft locks of hair on the face and placed a long kiss on now exposed forhead. This is where he wanted to be always. This where Jungkook can be himself. This is where he never asked to give something but gained. This is where he can feel real freedom. When Jungkook lost in his own thoughts Tae placed a kiss on his lips.

"Are you doing math?"Tae asked wondering. His boyfriend is a genius so it can be happened.

"I thought about the beauty of you."Jungkook said grabbing Tae more closer to him.

"Recently I am feeling this fear of loosing of you."Jungkook said with a pout.

"I will definitely go nuts if that happened."Tae chuckled at his behaviuor and said

"Just do our heart thing. You remembered it right?"Jungkook noded eagerly.

"Then I will be here."Tae said closing his eyes because that fear is lingering in him also.

The couple is in the garden after their breakfast.They decided to spend their spare time on decorating their garden. Taehyung is watering plants while Jungkook is preparing soil with manure. These two had never break to their little talks and smiles.

"Is Hiro okay when you left?"Taehyung asked caring about the little girl.

"She was sleeping. I guess she is okay."

"That means they are alone now. It is dangerous."

"Yeah... But we are here."Jungkook said with a reassuring smile.

"They faced to so many things. They are strong specially Namjoon and Jin hyung."Taehyung said thinking about how Jungkook explained them.

"I don't want Hiro to live in that kind of environment you know!"

"Jungkook!?"Taehyung wanted to talk about the yesterday incident and he thought that this is the best time.

"Hmm why baby."Jungkook asked without taking his eyes off of manure.

"What do you mean yesterday? Jieun liked to be with us?!Who is us?!"He asked carefully as he don't want to appear like he is complaining.

"Me, you and Hiro."Jungkook said with a smile.

"Why me?"With that Taehyung thought a lot. Why Jieun wanted us to happy and want to see it?Is she acting?

"Don't use your little brain too much baby."Jungkook said with a cocky face.

"But you have also a little thing."Tae said with a smirk completely forgetting the previous talk.

"What?"Jungkook mumbled with a frown and saw how Tae's eyes went down.At the moment Jungkook understood he charged towards Tae making them both fall on the ground. Taehyung attacked him with water and at the end both got covered with mud and water.

"Look what you did?"Taehyung said with a pout and pointed towards his lili flower plants.They are crushed down due to them.Jungkook went towards the plants and tried to rearranged them because he don't want a sad Tae.Taehyung with a warm smile back hugged him placing a soft kiss on Jungkook's cheek.

"My dramatic bunny."

"Where are you going Koo?"Taehyung is totally satisfied with today as he had plenty of time to spend with his boyfriend.Now he is reading a book in the living room and saw Jungkook who is getting ready to go out.

"To pick up Hiro."Taehyung badly wanted to go with him. He don't want to interfere Jungkook and Hiro but his mind can rest if he goes with them.

"Can I come?"Tae asked finally expecting no but

"Come on.. Get ready quickly."Taehyung smiled eye to eye and went up to get ready.

They picked up Hiro and now are driving to Jieun's house.The car parked at the familiar compound and Jungkook's mobile rang at the exact time. Jungkook signaled Tae to go while Jungkook went out with the call still lifting Hiro up. She is so clingy when it comes to Appa and never wanted to miss any chance.Taehyung went upto door and only thing he was able to do is scream.



Thank you so much for all your comments , votes and reads. Love you all....

People pt.2 is coming in few minutes..Enjoyy it..😊

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