A lover's curse Part 9

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Tears fell down your face as Ursul kept rubbing your back. You couldn't recall how many times he had raped you, proclaiming his love for you as he did so.

Morgan was nowhere to be seen, you feared for the worse. Ursul must have done somethig to him, otherwise he would have been back by now.

"What are you thinking angel fish?" He asked in a low, seductive tone. Clearly he was getting aroused by seeing you cry, this sadistic freak wanted to destroy you, use the word "love" as an excuse to rape and dominate you. And he had achieved part of this.

"None of your buisness,leave me alone."

Ursul hummed and his hands went straight to your abused center, dipping two fingers and as he toyed with your walls. His lips went to your neck as he began leaving gentle kisses over the hickeys he had created. You yelped and turned to hit him but one of his tentacles took hold of both of your arms.

"Now, now, my little angel fish. This isn't how you ask someone to do something. I was willing to let you rest before taking you home... but maybe I shouldn't be so lenient. Hmm?"

You glared at him, wanting to tell him exactly where he could take his act as well as his whole existence and what to do with it. But then there was a loud splash as you turned to look at the water, smilling widely as you saw Morgan enter.

"Get away from her, Ursul!"

"Too little, too late. Her body has already become mine, her mind is soon to follow."

Morgan glared at his brother, the two having a stare down as you layed there, suddenly an idea crossed your mind. You tried to squirm and as expected the grip of Ursul's tentacle on your arms became stronger, causing you to yelp in pain, making the monster above you turn and look at you for a brief moment. It was enough for Morgan to jump out of the water and on his brother, pushing him away from you.

Immediately after that, you stood up and ran over to the water, looking behind you for one brief second, seeing the two males fighting before swimming away, meeting Morgan's rays, explaining the situation as quickly as possible what had happened and informing them that you were going back to the palace where Ursul wouldn't be able to reach you and then you left.

You kept going, not looking back and without any breaks until you saw the city from afar. You continued until eventually, you made it to the castle. The guards let you pass, recognizing you in an instance and you went straight to your room.

Upon entering you left a sigh of relief, sitting on the bed and trying desperately to calm down. You convinced yourself that Morgan would survive, he was strong and he could fight his brother now.

"Please Morgan... please be okay."

A knock on the door, made you look over surprised. However as soon as you heard the voice of the prince, you relaxed immediately.

"(Name), it's me."

"Come in, Ariel."

The red head, entered the room, looking at you with a small smile, his cheerfull attitude slowly affecting you too.

"It's been a while, where have you been?"

"Oh! I was with a friend, he had some confidence issues and I wanted to help him."

"I see, I hope everything went well... also, thank you for helping me with... you know... that."

You chuckled at Ariel's blushing expression, it seemed like that human princess had completely taken over his mind and his heart. Well, not that you didn't expect this to happen.

"Don't mention it, I'm glad I could help."

The two of you kept talking and at some point you completely forgot about Ursul and Morgan, enjoying the peace and warmth of Ariel's kind nature and fiery spirit.

Meanwhile the two males had finally stopped fighting, with no clear winner but in their minds, they could totally beat each other if they got serious.

"I hope you're ready to apologize for entering my home like that and raping (Name)!!!"

"She's mine. I can do whatever I want to my angel fish... and seeing as you are still so weak and pathetic, I am curious as to why she seems to favor you so much."

"Well, for starters, I didn't force myself on anyone! I am letting her make her own deciscions and support her. You just want to break her and make her a slave!"

At that Ursul burst out laughing, it was clear that his brother didn't have the guts to proclaim his love for you and as such he was stuck with the title of "good friend". Not that it mattered anymore, now that Ursul had completely claimed your body, all that was left to do, was taking over your mind.

The idea of training you to be a sweet, obedient but strong little darling, made him hard. But he loved your fiery temper, your defiance and your spirit... both images had his blood boil with desire.

Morgan on the other hand was simply thinking of how to get his arrogant, sadistic, brother leave his lair and never return. He needed a new lair, still here, in the cold waters but perhaps with more difficulty in detection.

"It seems I must go get my little angel fish from her hiding spot." Ursul said, no longer caring that his brother was there, Morgan smirked, he knew where you must have gone but he also knew that only he, could get you to leave and return to him. But first, he needed to change locations.

Ursul left, already aware of where you probably went to hide, not that he could blame for this one. Two adult males fighting like that, you must have been scared to death. He decided to use your little friend, Ariel, seeing as that ridiculous romance the prince wanted to experience could become the key for him taking the throne from Triton.

Both males began prepairing for their own seperate schemes while you remained unaware of what was to follow.

And that might have been for the best.

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