Obsessive Wally x Clingy Reader

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Okie doki!! I'll do my best on this

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Okie doki!! I'll do my best on this. Also, thank you for being the first to request something!<3


3rd POV

It was late in the evening when Wally and Y/n were out picking apples. They both planned on making a few apple pies for them and their neighbors. Wally had been looking at Y/n almost the entire time they had been out, and Y/n had barely gotten any apples because they wanted to hold Wallys hand.

"I say we get apples tomorrow and make the apple pies tomorrow as well. All I want to do is to be in your arms." Y/n says

Wally looked at them and smiled a little. Then he nodded at them.

"Alright, we'll do it tomorrow then, my love," Wally says

They both failed to realize they had put it off for 2 weeks now. They both walked to Home and walked I side with barely any apples in their baskets. Home creaked probably askin 'Where are the full baskets?' Y/n laughed slightly while Wally just admired their face like he does every day. Even though he looks at their face everyday he always feels his heart quicken when he stares lovingly at their face, or when they laugh, or when they hold his hand, hug him, even cuddling him. His heart would always pick up its pace. Y/n is his and only his. None will take what's his away from him or they will pay the price.

<Shmol timeskip>

They had put the little apples they got away in a safe place.

"Love, could you help me?" Wally asked

"Of course!" Y/n said happily

Wally sat in front of the couch in the living room while y/n sat behind him. Wally hands Y/n a brush, and y/n starts to brush his hair from the hairspray mess it's always in. Y/n loved to play with Wallys hair when it was down, and Wally always let them do whatever they wanted to do to his hair. Except cut it really short. When y/n finished brushing out Wallys hair, they put the brush away and ran their fingers through his hair and smiled big. They stated to massage his scalp a little, and Wally closed his eyes and smiled. Wally hummed a small random tune and kept smiling as y/n played with his hair.

<Timeskip to Next Day>


Wally said that he was going to Howdy's for some things. I wanted to go with him but he said the thing he was getting was a surprise for me. Reluctantly, I said I wouldn't follow him to Howdy's. He left a few minutes ago, and I've been pacing in Home waiting for him to get back.

'Maybe I should go outside and tend to our garden! I hope that will distract me from Wally going to Howdy's,' I thought to myself

I went up to mine and Wally's room and got dressed for gardening. I make sure to grab some gloves. I then left the room and walked outside to the garden.

<with the power from me, y/n now has gardening stuff<3>

As I start to take care of mine and Wallys plants, I hear footsteps approaching me from behind. Thinking it's Wally, I turn around with a big smile but only to be greeted by Barnaby. Don't get me wrong, Barnaby is a great friend, I just miss my Wally.

"Hey Barnaby!" I say with my smile, going down a little

"Hey y/n," Barnaby says, "whatcha doing?"

"I'm just fixin' up mine and Wallys plants. Did you need anything?"

"No, I just wanted to know what you were doing and if you needed any help."

"Oh, I wouldn't mi-" I was interrupted by a different familier voice

"Y/n my dear."

Barnaby turns a little to look behind him to reveal Wally! I smiled big again, but it turned to a small smile when I saw the look on his face. He was staring at Barnaby with wide eyes and a sickening sweet smile.

"Hey Wally, I was just asking if Y/n needed help with gardening," Barnaby said

Wally hummed and said "Well now that im here, you can go."

Barnaby nodded and left. He seemed a little sad. After Barnaby left, Wally looked at me with a soft gaze and walked over.

"Hello my love, why don't we go inside so I can give you your gift?" he said sweetly

That's right, he did have a gift for me! I think it's behind his back since he has his hands behind his back.

"Ok!" I said happily and got up

We both walked inside, and he told me to go to the kitchen and wait. So that's what I did. I missed him a lot and I wanted to stay with him but he said he had to finish my gift with something. I was sitting at the island waiting for him to come back. I started to hum a random tune and swung my feet back and forth, twiddling my fingers as well.

After a while, he finally came back, his hands still behind his back. I smiled at him and stopped humming, swinging my feet, and twiddling my fingers.

"Y/n, do you want to go on walk with me?" Wally asked

Smiling, I side, "Yes! I would love to"

I got up from sitting and went to him. He held out his hand for me to take, and I took it smiling. We both walked out of Home and started our walk. Wally suggested we walk in the forest, and I agreed. We both started to walk in the forest. The forest is so pretty.

Wally and I talked about everything together, so now there isn't much to say, but it's a peaceful silence. We came into a clearing, and the clearing had a picnic.

"Whoa!! This is so pretty!!" I said as I looked around

Wally chuckled and said, "surprise, my love."

I looked at him and smiled big. Looking back at the picnic and kept smiling big. We both walked over and had a very fun time. We chatted about small things to see if any opinions changed on anything.

We were having so much fun we didn't even realize what time it was. The sun had started to set. Wally and I looked at the sun set and leaned on each other, smiling. Until Wally moved off leaning on me. I stopped leaning on him and looked at him frowning. He smiled at me and got on one knee.

"Y/n, you are the light of my life. Every time I look at you, you take my breath away. Every time you smile, my heart skips a beat. Every time you laugh, I get these butterflies in my stomach. You make me the happiest man in the world.-" he pulled put a small box and opened it to reveal a ring with a diamond in it, "-will you please do me the honor of being my wife/husband?"

I teared up and smiled the biggest I've ever smiled and shouted, "YES!"



Wally Darling x Y/N (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now