IUD Appointment

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"I need something stronger." Max whined while popping a candy into her mouth. Of course, this candy had cannabis in it.

"I think the lady that lives below us sells coke." Lukas said jokingly while wrapping his arms around her from behind. "You're going to do so well, honey. Are you sure you still want to do it?"

"Yeah, I want to do it..." Max took a deep breath. "How much longer until we have to leave?"

Lukas looked at his watch. "Uhh, we should head out in 20 minutes."

"Fuck..." Max looked around. "Where's the cat?" She pulled away from Lukas and searched for Fluffer. Of course she found the cat in the dryer. "Aww, come here baby." Max scooped the cat up and cradled her. "Too bad I can't take you with me..."

"She could be your emotional support baby." Lukas cooed as he walked into the laundry room. "She's like a baby. All she does is sleep and eat. She wakes us up at night."

"Aww, you're a daddy~" Max walked over and held the cat up to Lukas' face. "Give your daughter a kiss."

"That's one hairy baby..." Lukas sighed before giving the cat a quick kiss on the head. "Are you all ready for your appointment?"

"Physically? Uhm, maybe. Mentally? Nope." Max put the cat down and let her wander off.

"I'm going to be there with you the whole time, okay? If you're in any pain after, I'll take care of you. My parents are coming by tomorrow too, so you'll be extra cared for."

"I know, I know you'll take care of me...I'm just really self-conscious about...well, you know? A stranger having to see me. Plus, I hear some girls are in so much pain during that they pass out."

"That's only when it's done incorrectly, I'm sure." Lukas pulled her in for a hug so she couldn't see the worried expression on his face. "We looked for the best doctor we could. She has good feedback, and experience. I'm sure this will go smoothly."

"I hope so..." Max squeezed him tightly. "It's going to be worth it, no babies are going into this uterus anytime soon. Hopefully never."

"Yes, it'll be nice to not have to worry about pregnancy scares." Lukas kissed her cheek. "Come on, let's go relax on the couch until it's time to go. I'll rub your back."


Max sat on the bed, swinging her legs nervously. She was fully naked underneath her thin medical gown. She looked over at her clothing that was resting on the chair. "Lukas, put my underwear under everything else, quick."

"Okay?" Lukas rearranged her clothing for her. "Max, I really don't think your underwear is something to be self-conscious about."

"Yes it is, Those are my period panties. I haven't done my laundry..." Max didn't care if the doctor was about to see her intimate areas, she was not letting them see her intimate underwear.

"Oh, I bet those poor panties have been through a war then." Lukas joked to lighten the mood. "How you feeling?"

"Terrified." Max was just about ready to get up and say 'no fucking way' to this whole thing. Then, finally the doctor walked in.

"Hello Maxine, how are you today?" Dr. Campbell had to upkeep the smalltalk ritual she did with each patient. Even if they were literally having the worst day of their lives, maybe even the last day.

"Scared..." Max said bluntly.

"Scared? You don't have to be scared, honey." Dr. Campbell smiled and sat down at the desk. "It hurts a little, but it's over way faster than you expect."

"I took an Advil before coming here, apparently that's supposed to help?" Max tilted her head.

"Yes, it helps some people." Dr. Campbell got a sheet of paper. "Is this your partner?" She looked at Lukas.

"No, he's some random guy I found on the street corner." Max used sarcasm to cope with the nerves.

"Max, be serious." Lukas scolded her gently. "I'm her fiancé."

"Oh? Congratulations!" The doctor looked down at the paper. "What do you currently use for protection?"

"Condoms." Lukas said quickly, not wanting Max to mentally strain herself with the awkward questions.

"Okay, so you're currently sexually active?"

Max couldn't help but smile, then she nodded. "Yes."

"Ah, you seem proud of that." Dr. Campbell grinned. "It's refreshing to see. A lot of young women come in here ashamed of their sexuality. When was your last period, Max?"

"Almost a month ago, I'm due again in a couple days. I've been pretty consistent, I typically get my period on the 28th of each month." Max informed her.

"Okay..." Dr. Campbell filled in some of the paperwork. "So, I'm going to get you to take a standard pregnancy test. We need to be sure you're not pregnant."

"Oh...okay?" Max was just annoyed that the worst part wasn't over yet. "How long will it take?"

Dr. Campbell got up and opened a cabinet. She pulled out a disposable pregnancy test and a tiny cup, And handed it to Max. "15-20 minutes. Have you taken one before?"

Max shrugged hesitantly. "Uh, yeah..."

Lukas gave her some side eye. He didn't know why Max ever took one. Sure, she had a miscarriage when she was younger. She never took a test though, because she didn't even know she was pregnant until the miscarriage. He couldn't help but think Neil had given her a pregnancy scare before. Maybe she stole a test from her mom, or maybe even Neil bought them for her. Max's trauma was a treasure trove of new horrors.

"Okay, you should be able to figure this one out. The bathroom is right there." Dr. Campbell pointed to the bathroom that was connected to the room. Max got off the bed and walked to the bathroom. "Can he come with me?"

"Of course, that's entirely your choice."

Max dragged Lukas into the bathroom with her before shutting the door. "I'm going to pass out, I'm so nervous." Max whispered, afraid the doctor would hear her being a wimp.

"S'okay, you're doing good." Lukas gave her a quick hug. "I'll get in the corner, you do your thing." Lukas turned around.

"Thanks, I just need you around so I don't spiral into panic. I'm so scared it's going to be really painful." Max proceeded to pee in the cup, and dip the end of the pregnancy test into it. Then she laid it down on the sink. "Do you have a pen?"

"Why?" Lukas asked, still staring at the wall in the corner.

"Let's draw a second line so they can't do it."

Lukas chuckled and turned back around once he knew Max was done. "You can still back out, it's up to you."

"No, I'm already here..." Max approached her boyfriend with open arms and embraced him. She tried to relax as he swayed with her, trying to make her feel less scared.

After 15 minutes, Lukas had to stop babying her. "Times up, darling...let's go back into the room."

Max took a deep breath and looked up to stop some anxiety tears from streaming down her cheeks. "Okay, I can do this..." Max picked up her pregnancy test so she could prove that she had been safe. She walked to the door and glanced down to make sure the line had formed properly. The line was nice and vibrant, standing proudly by it's twin. "L-Lukas..."

Lukas looked over her shoulder. "What?" Lukas had never seen anyone go so pale, so fast. Max dropped the test and had to slide down the wall to sit on the floor. If not, she might of fell forward and busted her head.

"Max?!" Lukas kneeled down beside her. The test wasn't even a thought for him, he was just worried about Max. He must of got the attention of the doctor, because she came knocking.

"Is everything okay?"

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