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When I wake up, Anadil has an arm draped over me and Hester is sprawled over the both of us. From my position I can see Hort curled up at the foot of the bed, and Dot is spooning Anadil. Lovely. I'm definitely claustrophobic. Let me out. I remove Anadil's arm and push Hester off me - both of which remain asleep. Groaning I pull on some grey joggers and a T-shirt.

I check the time.

Breakfast ends in ten minutes and it doesn't look like any of them are getting up anytime soon. I grab my shoes and run to the hall, steal myself an apple and leave.

Open from the door to my room as quietly as I can but the hinges betray me and let out a loud creak. They're all up in an instant. Hester even throws a dagger ( heaven knows where she got it from) straight at me. I duck and it clinks to the floor.

"Fuck Y/N, you scared the shit out of me." She collapses back on top of Anadil who lets out a whine. They both start to bicker.

"Be quiet will you!" Hort rolls over and buries his face into the pillow Dot throws at him. I laugh and finish my apple. Discarding it I pull out their clothes for tonight.

"C'mon guys, today's the day." I roll my eyes."We've gotta look hotter than the Evers." This gets them up and they race to the shower. Dot gets there first.

"Dot. Do not turn my shower into chocolate, I swear to God!" I shout as the door closes.

"Boring!" She shouts back.

Here we go.

By the time the ball announcement is made we are all dressed. I admired myself in the mirror as the others cluttered about - adding any last minute final touches. I wore a simple but effective outfit. If it goes how I want ima get laid by Lady Lesso toni- no. Stopping. Right there.

I sport a long black dress with a thigh high slit (you can almost see my hipbone), heels, a phial of blood in the form of a necklace and black and red makeup. I know I said I wasn't a fan of colour but I can never resist a red so deep. So....bloody. It's tone thrills me. Plus Hester insisted it would look amazing so I didn't refuse.

None of us have dates, technically, but who cares anyways? I can, however, see how badly Hester wanted to go with Beatrix - although she'd never admit it or have the courage to ask. I'm not surprised, Beatrix can be pretty hot headed with a hell of an attitude. Just Hester's type.

They'd make a pretty cute couple, admittedly. I think she should go for it instead of admiring her from afar. Hypocritical, I know. No need to remind me.

I can't he but wonder if she'll be there. Lady Lesso I mean. I sure damn hope so. I wonder what she'll be wearing. Probably another suit. Someone else's suit. That they designed. For her. Her signature heels are also bound to make an appearance, with her antique cane and typical smokey eyed look. I still don't think she's a party girl though.

I can imagine her standing, no lounging, in a corner - leant on the wall with a mean stare. Probably nursing a glass of wine or a headache, rolling her eyes at the Ever. Controversially, allowing herself an exited smirk whenever us Nevers decide to cause some form of chaos. Whether that be stealing the alcohol, terrorising the Evers or just simply plauging Dovey all night.

Bonus points for the Dovey one. I can see her blue eyes finding mine from across the roo-

"Y/N! Are you coming? Let's go, we're already late!" Dot shouts, dragging me from my thoughts. I walk into the other room confidently. "Let's go." Don't fuck this up Y/N. Breathe. It's just another stupid event.

When we walk into the room, the chatter doesn't stop, but the stares of amazement are clearly shown by everyone. Slackened jaws, wide eyes. You get the gist. Thank all the spotted dogs, we definitely look good then. I saunter over to the refreshments table and grab a bottle of beer, they didn't even bother hiding it. I can legally drink, as I'm older than all the other first years, but Lesso comes to stop me anyways.

"You shouldn't be drinking that." She smirks, as if I was a toddler she'd caught doing something naughty. I wasn't going to give her that satisfaction.

"Is this your excuse to talk to me, Lady Lesso?" I smirk. 

"Fortunately not, Dovey will kill me if i don't at least attempt to stop you drinking." She rolls her eyes. 

"Yeah? Well where I'm from its normal to get drunk in a field at age twelve so I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Hmm is that so?" She hums, staring into my eyes. I don't drop her gaze, instead challenging it. She however has other plans and allows her ocean blue orbs to roam my body freely. I feel my face heat up and put an end to the conversation.

"It is. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go....socialise." With that I walk off, alcohol still in hand, to Hester. When I find her shes blatantly staring at Beatrix, who, looks bored out of her mind also."You should go talk to her, it looks like shes desperate for company." She goes bright red at this and i laugh. Scowling viciously she replies. 

"Nuh-uh Y/N not happenin-" She starts, but I'm already pushing her over. "Okay, Alright just stop making me look like a twat." she whisper shouts at me. She stands up a little straighter and i leave her to it, glad at least someone should be getting laid tonight. Although I'm a tad disappointed its not me. Joking, maybe?

I sit in a corner for what feels like hours, slowly sipping my beer. Lesso made no effort to speak to me, although i felt her sharp gaze on me at all times. Whether or not she was admiring my figure i could not tell as every time i looked at her she was speaking to another teacher. 

 Few people had left at that point, i couldn't find any of my friends and i found myself extremely bored - the tingling sensation present in my hands yet again. I set down my bottle and made my exit, breathing the fresh air when it hit me. The walk back to my room was calming except for the fact I could still hear the annoying music in the background. 

I close my door and collapse on my bed, urging my body to sleep. But, as per usual, my mind was plagued by the minute problems of her suit. Again. Darn you mother for making me pay great attention to detail. I drag myself out of bed and, discarding my heels, unlock the wardrobe door. I put my mix of TV Girl and Arctic Monkeys on my stereo and pull out the black suit. Time to get to work. 

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