Part 9: Comfort

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Elsa's POV
I ran to my room and sobbed. I heard a knock on my door. I was sure it was Jack. It was all his fault. I wanted to punch him in the face and make him regret being with anyone. "Who IS IT!!!??" I Yelled. "It's me. Jack." "I don't know any Jack around here bye." "Wait I'm sorry I didn't mean to start a war." "The doors not locked stupid." I said. The door opened. Jack was revealed. He walked up to me and sat next to me on my bed. He patted my back and hugged me tightly. I don't know why he was doing this to me but he almost kissed my lips. I don't believe it why would he do this to me when he's with Rapunzel. "Jack Stop,you are with Rapunzel." I said. "Things aren't simple if you like someone else and that the person you're with is with another person." He said smirking. Wait that means he isn't with Rapunzel anymore. "WHAT!!!??!" I screamed.

A/N: Thank you for 11 views.

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