Luv is in the aaair

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- So this is where Kevin lives? 

In front of Angelo stood a big mansion, pampered up with vines across the walls and windows of something something I don't know what the hell it is I'm not a window expert lol 

- I can't let his parents see me, everybody knows me now so I gotta approach him discreetly. 

He walked to the side of the building, hiding between the trees, trying to locate Kevin's window but how could one know which one it is? He tried to look to see if there were any people there, but it looks like nobody was home. The cars were gone and none of his family members seemed to be found downstairs neither, but he was only looking through the windows so who knows what was missed. Kevin might not even be home neither, what should he do now? This side of the house had four separate windows but which one was Kevin's? 

- Hm, as my father said, take the risk or lose the chance. There is a 25% chance that one of the windows is his, but logically speaking the upper ones seem to make more sense since the lower floors look more like guest rooms. That narrows it down to 50%. I'll pick the upper right. I need to alert him some way, but how? 

Angelo looked down to his feet, seeing pebbles. He grabbed one of them, inspected it and looked up to the window. Hmmm, looks like I found a way. 


Kevin was laying in his bed, listening to music and dribbling a ball with his right hand from the bed. Straight up vibing. 


- What the...fuck??? Huh? 

A huge rock had crushed his entire window and landed in his room, leaving shards of glass all over the floor. He looked out the window. 

- What the, Angelo?? Is that you? You crushed my window for what!? 

- The risk I took was calculated, but I sure am bad at math. 

- Get out of here before I call the police. I don't have time for a maniac strotting around in my town let alone my house. 

- I wanted to talk to you about- 

- I said leave! 

- It's about Solfrida! 

- Huh? 


Solfrida...what about her? 

- Yes, I wanted to talk to you about her.

- ....Walk into the trees. I'm coming down, if my parents ask I'll say that I accidentally broke the window.  


- What is it with Solfrida you wanted to bring up? 

- She is interested in you. 

- Interested?

- I don't know. She loves you. 

- Loves me? Oh, hmm, you know what Angelo, I like how you are straight to the point. Although a bit chaotically. I have to be honest with you though...

I...I'm interested in her too, honestly. She is so kind, and does so much for other people. She's been in my head for a long time but I just didn't know if she felt the same way for me. Now that you told me, I know for sure that I should shoot my shot. No pun intended, hahaha. 

- ...............................(That's it?)

- I got an idea, come to the basketball court tomorrow. I will be having a game there at 5 PM. After the game I will confess to her, will you be my wing-man? 

- Wing-man? 

- Of course, dude. You'll be my supporter right? 

- Yes. Whatever will work, but won't people recognize me?

- Don't worry, just disguise yourself somehow. You better do because I'll give you the VIP-seat, all the way in front, my friend. I'm thankful that you told me about this. Turn up, you don't wanna miss it.


Later that evening at the basketball court.

Angelo had changed his clothes in order to not be recognized. He wore a beanie, sunglasses and a scarf hiding his half his face, along with a long and raggedy coat. Despite wearing it to not be noticed, people were looking at his unusual outfit, especially as he grabbed his seat at the front of a high-school basketball game. The crowd were students who seemed to know Kevin well, his friends, and friends of their friends. Pretty much most of the school were there to watch Kevin play against the opposing team, but it was evident that it was a certain "popular" crowd that was watching. Solfrida, Olle, Anna and Pia were also sitting in the crowd. 



Everybody cheered for him and chanted from the stalls. It's obvious that he was the star of the game. Angelo on the other hand, while not understanding the behaviour displayed from the crowd, grew weary and impatient at the game. He was not there for it in the first place, but to see how he would approach Solfrida after the game was over. He did not want to miss it. 


WHOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAAAH I KNEW YOU'D DO IT KEV!!!!! 

Angelo was waiting patiently, sitting in his seat among the ruckus, but then he saw something confusing. Kevin walked from the booth with a wireless microphone, tapping it several times. What was he planning? 

- Umm, can y'all hear me? 



- Heh, so listen up everybody! I.....I have a confession to make. 

(Huh? What is he doing?)

- A bird whispered in my ear recently, that a certain person was interested in me. 

- Oooooooooooooooo

- I-uhm, I just wanted to bring that person down here on the court, heh, because...I kind of dig you too. 


- Solfrida come over here!

The crowd was going crazy, Solfrida's heart sunk down to her stomach in devastation. There was no way that this was happening, how could this be? Was this a dream?

The others pushed her out of her seat, encouraging her to go up on the court.  She walked up to Kevin, shaking and barely comprehending what was going on as the crowd was cheering. 

Kevin rested his hands on her arms.

- Solfrida...

He kissed her.

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