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1. We all have two lives , the second one starts when you realise you only have one.

2. You haven't met all the people who are going to love you yet.

3. Why would you take criticism from someone you are not going to take advice from.

4. There is 7 billion people in the world and you think your soulmate goes to your school??!? lol.

5. Live a life of "Oh wells" instead of "what ifs".

6. Life is too big & beautiful for you to be upset over something so small.

7. If it won't matter in 5 years don't spend more than 5 mins thinking about it.

8. Everything happens for a reason
it's either a blessing or a lesson.

9. You live everyday but die once , so die with memories not dreams .

10. You have to allow your self to feel emotions or else you are just delaying the process.

11. You can't force someone to love you , that's something they do their own, and if they don't, they're not worth it, because someone out there does.

12. You have to odd to be number 1.

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