Chapter 1

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New start's
First day of school, a drag isn't it ? To be honest I actually looked forward to Monday. The school year had already started 3 months ago but it was my first day since I had moved a week ago. I was ready to meet new faces, face new fears, and mostly confront teachers. The memory of the last teacher I mouthed off is pretty funny if I may say. I remember it clearly, even if it was 2 months ago, she quit or got a transfer after that. I had said some pretty harsh things to her in front of the principal. Maybe, just maybe I wouldn't have told her off if she didn't write me up for not wanting to be partners with the schools whore. It's not that I hate her, Deanna, she just tends to give the people around her a bad reputation. She is beautiful, I admit it, but she has one flaw, she's addicted to sex, any kind of sex. She proudly has claimed to "have fucked every guy" in the school "including the teachers". I wouldn't be surprised if she's banged both males and females. Anyway the teacher wrote 'unwilling to cooperate with other students' and 'not following classroom procedures' on the paper that was supposed to go to the front office. Thus giving me some sort of consequence such as cleaning the cafeteria, detention, Saturday d-hall, or suspension, I had doubted it though. The reason I highly doubted it was because I have dirt on all the teachers, that's who I am. I look for the dirt. She had a whole bunch of dirt, she couldn't keep her personal life separated from her work life, giving me the key to pull any stunt by blackmailing her. I know I'm a bad student. Who cares? They all knew they shouldn't mess with me, I could have easily fired them, I still can. This particular teacher was 23 her name was Diane Sheryl, Ms. Sheryl, to be exact. She was about 5'3, thin, blond hair with gold patches caused by the badly done hair dye. Her eye brows, the weird aspect of her, are about 1 inch and a half apart, a light brown, covered with brow pencil which was a dark color causing them to look like she sharpie'd them. I knew she had a class pet, a particular guy, so I got digging and soon after that I found out she had been 'involved' with him. Dirt, dirt, dirt. And there was I digging. I found out many things about her. She played tennis with 2 students every now and then, she liked to stop every morning at a coffee shop, and she actually had helped one of her students hide drugs when a cop came in to interrogate em. I know I sound like a stalker but I was highly talented doing this. As I said before I am the quiet one, it's always the quiet ones you gotta watch out for. The dialogue between Ms. Sheryl, the principal and I was pretty intense considering the fact that when I was done her face was cover in red, tears threatening to burst out any minute. I recall every word that escaped my lips. It went like this.

"She is not willing to cooperate with miss Deanna, I have told twice too many times to get over her self and just do as I asked, why is it so hard for you Esmeralda ?" Bulged out Ms. Sheryl.

I soon repelled against her "Yea since it's not hard for you at all, or am I wrong, Ms. Sheryl ?"

"I recommend you tone it down, and I don't understand what you are trying to insinuate Esmeralda don't throw this at me, your the only reason you've gotten yourself in this position."

I laughed bitterly at her remark and soon snapped out words that she probably now wishes she would've just switched my partner. "Ohhh what I'm trying to say is that I know that you meet other students out side of school for many un speakable reasons".

"Miss Sanchez!" squealed the principal. "Can you be quiet for a minute and let your lovely teacher talk!"

"Lovely? How in the world is this women lovely? She is the definition of a child molester, a pedophile, there is noting lovely from this women! She's selfish and ever since I found out that she's been banging-" I cut myself short when I heard a knock on the door. Soon after my dad walks in, a frustrated look on his face, he's was drinking you could have smelt it when he walked into the office.

"Afternoon Mr. Sanchez, I'm sorry for the inconvenience today, I sadly have to say that the 'precious' daughter of yours has some what insulted our teacher here. You will have to take her home today and she is not allowed on school grounds until Thursday of this week, if you may sign here, you can take her right away." The principal spatted out, no compassion, no emotion in his words. My dad being the obedient dog quickly grabbed the pen. I slapped his hand just to get a glare of anger in return.

"What do you think your doing? You've caused me plenty of trouble today Esme and I have had enough of your wild behavior for today." He said it oh so cold.

"I'm not in trouble dad." Ms. Sheryl lost her temper. Slamming her hands on the table between us, the only barrier that stopped her from attacking her student. How does that sound? Teacher bangs a student then attacks another when confronted about it.

"Look Esmeralda you've made too much of a scene today, I've had it up to here with your bluntness, your making it seem like it's nothing to offend your classmate AND your own teacher, now I'm recommending that you step out of this room." She said standing up and pointing towards the direction of the door.

A smirk came up on my lips. "Or what? Are you gonna hit me? Drag me out? Maybe even pull me out? I don't see how that will help your case. Now as I was saying earlier, Diane YOU should be the one to tone it down because I can easily get you arrested right this moment for having had any relation with a minor, not only to speak that he was one of your students. Can you say slut? You've had a relationship with Mike for the past month! While your engaged, if that's even true. Yes I know what you all are thinking. 'What is she talking about?' 'There's nothing wrong with playing tennis with a couple of my students.' Ms. Sheryl you've had sexual intercourse with a minor. You have broken the law. So Diane would you like to reword your sentence? I think you do." She looked frightened at my words. The principals face was in shock of what he'd just hear, his precious 'lovely' teacher was doing what? With who?

Diane Sheryl soon closed her mouth from what she had heard, she tried hard to keep a straight face, judging from her skin tone it was hard to do so. "Where have you found that imaginatio-."

"Oh shut it. I have proof, today during lunch Mike will be waiting for you in the janitors closet down the east side of the school, down stairs room 108." I bragged about the information I knew. "I highly do suggest that miss lovely here is taken from all electronic devises until lunch so she has no way of informing her buddy about this conversation. Diane Sheryl you've put yourself in this position." She glanced at me. A smile played on my lips. "So how about it? I think we can all safely say I'm NOT in trouble?"

The principal was speechless and it was priceless, what I wouldn't have done to get the conversation on tape. Everyone's eyes gauged out at the information I had just placed on the table. They obviously couldn't write me up, it would cause the schools reputation to lower considering that I would spill the beans to the cops. So the principal transferred or fired Ms. Sheryl after that.

So here i am trying to get ready for my first day as a senior, deciding if I shall just place all the warnings out on the table or be silent and deadly. I let the day decide, the dark, drizzling morning that quickly switched into an orange sky within an hour. It was that kind of day. Maybe.

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