2. How to keep your Vagina healthy ( boys skip)

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- Please drink water over everything else your vagina will thank you

- Eat right

- Try not to finger yourselves there's a risk of germs on your hands

- Before using a sex toy again rinse it under warm water for at least a minute or two

- Never put any type of soap in the whole in your vagina. If you don't know what I mean it's that hole that the dick or your finger goes to so it can please you. Especially don't use scented soap on your vulva it's body soap not Vagina soap.

- All you need is warm water to clean your vagina unless you want to use a sensitive skin non-scented soap. Avoid putting the soap at the whole of your vagina. Try not to put water in there either your vagina is a self cleaner. All you need to clean are the body parts around it with warm water or unscented soap.

- Don't Fuck a lot of guys unless you want a std

- Clean your vagina last out of your whole body to get any excess soap of.

- Change your underwear everyday

- Don't wear thongs there really tight let your
girl breath

- Don't wear underwear at night so she can breath. If you don't feel comfortable wear shorts with no underwear underneath until your completely comfortable.

- Your discharge shouldn't be gray, black, green, yellow if it is you have a problem and I recommend to speak to your doctor

That's all ladies tell me if you want more. If you know you have an infection go talk to your doctor

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