r e a l i t y

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"get up, pansy." luna ushered.

"alright, im getting up." pansy rolled off the bed, and hit the floor.

luna threw a sweatshirt at her, took her hand, and took her down to the parking garage, helping a tired pansy into the car.

pansy threw the sweatshirt before buckling her seatbelt.

"is this yours?" pansy motioned toward the sweatshirt.


pansy looked down and saw that it was dark blue with RAVENCLAW written across the chest.

"why did you get me up so early?" pansy asking, yawning.

"it's a surprise." luna put the car in drive and started to drive down the road.

it was quiet in the car for a bit. pansy kept dozing off then roughly apologizing when she awoke with a start.

"we're here, sun." luna said. pansy was asleep again.

luna got out of the car, and started to set up the blanket, and breakfast things, letting pansy sleep a little longer.

once she was done, she walked back over to the car and opened pansy's car door.

she shook her lightly. "come on, sun. get up. we're here."

pansy woke up. "moon, im sorry for falling asleep again!"

luna laughed lightly. "it's okay. it gave me time to set up your surprise!"

pansy got out of the car, holding luna's hand so she wouldn't fall over from tiredness.

"luna, this is amazing! it's so beautiful! you did all this? for me?"

luna nodded happily and sat down next to pansy on the blanket.

pansy threw on the blanket that was sitting next to luna and opened it wide.

"join me, moon. i can see you're freezing."

luna didn't deny it. she crawled over to pansy and snuggled into her side.

the blonde and raven haired girl watched the sun rise together.

"is this why you took me here? so i can see the sunrise? cause my nickname is sun?" pansy asked.

luna nodded against pansy's side. "i also wanted to ask you something."

luna sat up from pansy's side. "i've never dated anyone before, so i don't know if i'm doing this right. but, uh, pansy, im in love with you. you make me feel safe being who i am. you make me feel okay being a lesbian, i feel like i can accept myself when i'm around you. pansy, i've never felt this way about anyone. and i just want you to know that i'm in love with you."

pansy smiled and pressed her lips against luna's gently. "most people just ask other people out instead of giving a whole speech. but i like this way better."

luna smiled. "im glad. cause you're going to have to deal with it a lot."

pansy laughed and pulled the blonde into her lap. "i love you, moon."

"i love you, too, sun."

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