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As perfect as a girl could get,boruto had a frail y/n on his back taking her back to her new home The leaf village

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As perfect as a girl could get,boruto had a frail y/n on his back taking her back to her new home
The leaf village.


it took another 3 days to get back to the leaf including breaks to sleep and eat,yet y/n hadn't opened her eyes at this point konohamaru and the others were getting worried.

A tiny yawn was heard from behind boruto,"w...where am I..?" The frail little girl opened her eyes.

"Konohamaru-nii she's awake" boruto said stopping his feet from running.

"No time to stop boruto! Let's keep running we are nearly there" konohamaru shouted,boruto got annoyed yet still carried on running.

"So what's your name? How old are you? What's your favourite food? What—" boruto asked questions none stop didn't even let you answer.

"Oi boruto let her relax she only just woke up" sarada scolded boruto as usual.

"Whatever...sorry" boruto said quietly to you.

"Mm" your eyes closed again.

"She's asleep again" boruto smiled.

"Well good thing we are here" konohamaru announced with a smile on his face.

"HOME SWEET HOME!" Boruto shouted making you jump almost falling off him.

"Whoa don't go falling now" boruto made sure she didn't fall and kept her safe on her back.

"We are here...your new home the leaf village" you lifted your head up and looked around,your eyes lit up it was beautiful.

"Beautiful" it wasn't the girl who spoke no,it was something inside her.

"What the- let's just take her to da- I mean lord seventh" everyone agreed with boruto and took the girl to lord seventh.

a knock was heard at the hokages door,"come in" an older man spoke.

Team 7 walked in with a frail girl on boruto's back,"boruto you can put her down and leave okay?" Boruto put her down and she fell on the floor.

"Whoa are you okay?" Boruto helped her up and her body was shaking she was definitely scared.

She looked at boruto,his eyes widened,"sharingan?" Boruto stepped closer to look you stepped back and accidentally walked into someone you moved away and looked up right now you were absolutely terrified.

Where was your father when you needed him the person who he said he'd protect you no matter what? What bs..

"Everyone out now" the man with yellow hair demanded and they left only 3 people were no jn the room.

The yellow haired man stood up and went to you,"are you okay?" He placed a hand on your head.

"She's fine. Don't touch her your scaring her more" Naruto's eyes widened he was confused.

"Who was—"

"T...t..ten tails" was all you said.

Naruto was shocked to say the least,"well welcome to your new home what is your name? My name is naruto" he spoke in a soft tone.

"Her name is y/n." The ten tails spoke for you.

"Ahhh what a beautiful name how old are you?"

"13.." you looked at the floor.

"Nice,well I'm sure your tired but do you mind waiting here for a minute I have someone I'd like you to meet" naruto smiled and walked away.

Someone walked in a boy,black hair with shaved yellow sides.

"Oi who are you?" The boy looked you up and down,you didn't reply scared.

"What? You don't speak or something?" He kept his distance because by your hands shaking he could tell you were scared.

"Shut up. Brat." kawaki looked pissed by that and lunged for you—

Naruto walked in with a women pink hair as beautiful as a cherry blossom,a man with a cloak his dark hair covering one side.

"So— what happened here?" Naruto laughed a little.

You had kawaki on his stomach his hands pinned behind his back,you were shaking you didn't want to hurt him he lunged for you he tried to attack you this was self Defense.

"Ahhh seems you've met kawaki I'm sure you two will get along well" you got off kawaki your hands still shaking.

"She says sorry" the ten tails said in an aggressive tone.

"What-what the hell was that?" Kawaki looked at naruto.

"The ten tails" the room went silent.

"Tch" kawaki left.

"Anyways y/n these are your new parents Sakura and sasuke and your sister who you met earlier the girl with glasses" your eyes slightly lit up,and you bowed to them.

"She says thank you"

Sakura came to you,"so y/n ready to come home with us?" She smiled.

"She said yes she's really happy" when the ten tails said that they all laughed.

At last finally y/n had a family who truly loved her was this the start of a new journey in y/ns life? And who is that kawaki kid?

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