The Moon Rises (Prologue)

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April 23rd

There were heavy layers of dust and blood coating the ground. The smoke drifted through the air as another building was burnt to the ground in a matter of seconds. Horror suggested that this mission they should try something "new" or, to put it bluntly, lighters. Killer had to admit though, this was a little more fun than just the good old stabbing of a knife in someone's torso, or the eye if he was feeling extra. Of course the new small magic fire box didn't mean he was gonna quit using his precious knives.

He was trodding through the small town while screams echoed through the streets as if it was the most normal thing in the world, which for him at this point was. After so long of doing the same routine of killing it felt familiar, or comforting even, to hear the crunch of dust and the small splashes of blood beneath his feet.

Most buildings were either on fire or already ashes, Killer then came across a large white pristine house, or at least it used to be pristine before being set on fire. The people who lived here must have been rich, it wouldn't hurt anyone if he just saw what they had for "offer". In his opinion it wasn't stealing if the people were already dead, he was just making sure none of their "achievements" went to waste.

He entered the large house and looked around seeing if they had anything worth value. No one in the gang really needed the money, they usually just stole whatever they needed in the castle. However to them who ever had the most money from missions earned bragging rights.

The skeleton kept looting the house, ignoring the fire that surrounded him, but then he heard a sound from upstairs. It sounded like crying, which meant their was either a human or monster up there that no one has killed, yet. He let a malicious smile cover his face as he held his sharpened knife in his hand.

He basically skipped on his way up the staircase. When he saw the large hallway he realized that the fire was much worse up here, it was a surprise the person wasn't already dead, however he wasn't complaining. He finally located the room the crying was coming from and when he entered, the first thing he noticed was that the room was much smaller than every other room, relatively new, and about the size of a larger than average closet. It didn't really look like it was meant to be a room. Another thing he noticed was that the walls were covered with a fresh coat of paint and only held some paintings and a shelf. The only thing that stood in the room at all was some weird bed that looked more like a cage in his opinion. However the cage-bed was where the crying was coming from so he walked over with his knife ready to raise up and stab.

He loomed over the weird bed thing to see what was inside and saw a tiny human laying in the bed. When the human saw him it stopped crying and instead tilted its head curiously as did Killer. He examined the human for a second, they had mid toned skin with small spots of both lighter and darker skin, they had large brown eyes that stared up at the skeleton.

Killer didn't notice that he was lowering his own knife as he stared at the human more. He did have to admit... it was kinda cute. It then started giggling and, in that moment, by some miracle, Killer felt the smallest amount of emotion and somehow, that was enough.

Killer lowered both of his hands down to the human's sides and picked it up. He held them in his hands for a second and only one thought crossed his mind...

...I want it

He then proceeded to hide the tiny human in his hoodie, hoping that the rest of the gang wouldn't notice the large bump in his jacket. He was going to take the tiny human home to the castle and was gonna keep it hidden in his room so the boss or anyone else couldn't see it. With that he exited the house right before it started collapsing in on itself.

What a flawless plan.

A/N: Thanks for reading this, we didn't think anyone would. Anyway chapters will be longer than this obviously since it's just the prologue. Also expect much more angsty, wholesome and on crack moments along with much more interesting (yeah that's the word) author notes after this, this honestly is the most proper author note since it's the beginning but just you wait. Also this book will update every Saturday unless stated otherwise!

All art is done by the co-author @MBgirl_123

Book rated PG 13

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