Soo smooth

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He first taught he how to play, when she started getting an understanding he began the process of domination. This will of course help her adjust to playing, after a couple rounds she could now play like a normal gamer. She did however turn violent while playing,  bitting his ear when she lost or pinching his cheek.

She didn't really did it gently of course,  Travis would laugh it off since he enjoyed seeing her pout cutely when she lost. When she got angry her would always glow which looked really beautiful. When he was bored of winning he started picked slow cars so she could have an advantage, while she picked his custom made ones. When Lucy was was driving like a pro , she kinda got cocky.  When she crashed Travis used that time to by pass her, she complained, saying Travis was cheating. He crossed the finish line and won again.

" Well that was fun. I'm feeling hungry right now. How about we go get something to eat" He said and got up stretching himself. He looked outside the window and saw that it was dark

'DAMN what's the time' he thought, taking his phone out he saw the time.' Its already passed Eight. '

" Let's go fast before the close. " He said, quickly putting on his flops and pulling her out the room.

Lucy giggled while they ran down the stairs. When the reached the floor they ran to the cafeteria,  and found a couple people still eating.

' I guess we're lucky' he thought.

What Travis didn't know was the people who were in the Cafe right now were the group of guys who saw him go with Lucy to his dorm.

"So they just finished humping each other huh.  I'm pretty sure bro lasted a couple seconds " one of them said.

The others laughed" Yeah bro probably got a small dick. She had to ask is it in yet"

They continued to laugh out loud. What they didn't know was that Lucy had a keen sense of hearing. So she could hear everything they said.

She approached their table while Travis waited for the food. The dudes saw Lucy coming towards them and started trembling in fear. They saw her hair turning dark red and they knew that she was angry.

' Did she hear us. We're fucked'

When she to their desk she clenched her fist making them all feel excruciating pain in their heads. They were about the screen yet they felt they're mouths being held shut by something.

' Don't you ever say anything bad about Travis. I'm not even gonna threaten you, I'm sure you know what going to happen if you do' 

She then walked back to Travis,  her cold face turned into the her normal the sweet joyful expression.

Lucy had the psychic and telekinetic powers. She was the first ever person to awaken this kind of power in the whole history of the world. Lucy's parents had been hunters and spent most of their time in the south side, due to this they got infected by the toxic airs in the environment but somehow they did not kill them. Infact it made them stronger and smarter.  When Lucy was born, she also showed signs of infection,  her hair would glow darker everytime she cried or felt angry.  Yet her parents adored this about her since it made her unique.

She grew to become a really happy girl. During her awakening Ceremony, Lucy awakened the two abilities, she also got SS tier talent. This got her many sponsors, she grew stronger till she signed up for Student Council President on her second year.

After they got their food Travis and Lucy left the cafeteria and ran back upstairs to go and eat. Travis got some drinks from his inventory and placed them on the table.

They then started eating together while watching some anime. She had never actually watched anime so when she started watching she quickly got addicted.

When they finished Travis walked her to her dorm floor.

" I really enjoyed spending time with you Travis. I've never had so much fun before. I hope you know I'm now gonna visit you more often." She said.

" Sure I don't mind. Which one is your room?" He asked.

She took his hand and pulled him to her room door." This is my room. " She then opened the door and Travis was completely blinded by the pink wallpaper.

" Come on its not that bright. I wanted to put red but they didn't have that color" She said.

" Alright Travis see you later. I really need to sleep or I won't be able to wake up tomorrow. " She got close to him and tip toed and wrapped her hands around his neck.

Travis hugged her waist and brought her closer which made her giggle. " Thanks for today. Maybe next time I'll give you a kiss if you let me win" She said seductively.

" psshhh please you'll never win. " He said while smirking.

" I guess you won't get a kiss then." She said. " I guess I won't " Travis also said.

Lucy smiled, staring into his eyes." Alright see you tomorrow " She let go of him and turned around.

" Yeah peace " He then walked back downstairs after she closed the door.

' Well that was pretty cool. I guess a couple days then I'll be in them cheeks' he said while smiling silly. Travis jumped down the stairs and and got inside the elevator.

' I really hate living in the last floor '

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