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 "Am I going to die Cheong-san?"

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"Am I going to die Cheong-san?"

——————Seojin and Cheong-san ran into the closest room they could find which was the music room. Cheong-san dragged his injured friend into the room and shut the door. He heard a noise coming from the corner of the room.

"Stay here. I'll go see what it is." The brown haired boy looked back at his friend. He didn't know if she heard him or not because she was on the verge of passing out. He sat her down at a desk and went over to the noise. He grabbed a chair to protect himself. As he got closer he saw that there was a zombie but it was stuck under the piano.

The zombies hand kept hitting a camera that was on the floor playing music and it was very loud. Cheong-San slowly pulled the camera towards him and took it. He sighed then remembered his female friend. He snapped his head back over to her and saw that she was asleep. He ran over to her and checked her bite.

Seojins Pov
Im hungry. I see cheong-san sitting in front of me. Why does he smell so good? Why do I want to bite him?

I slowly open my eyes to see the short haired boy in front of me. He's looking at my wound.

"Here I'll wrap this up for you. Don't tell anyone what happened- Seojin?" As he was talking to me he looked up and saw that I was staring at him. My right eye was red and veiny whilst my left one was completely normal. He slowly backed up from me in fear.

"No..this can't be..that girl, she wasn't even a zombie. This doesn't make sense." Cheong-san was gripping his hair as he walked back. He eventually backed up into the windows and stood there watching my every move.

I looked down at my hands. They were covered in blue and green veins, the vision in my right eye was completely red and blurry. I held my hand up to my eye as tears came down my left one.

"Am I going to die cheong-san?" I asked him with tears only coming out of one eye. He looked at me as he cried.

"No. You wont, I wont let you turn Seojin I promise." He ran back over to me and wrapped my wound with a piece of his button up he ripped off. As he wrapped my arm I just stared at him. My vision started to return and I could see my arms going back to normal. He noticed this as well. He looked back up at me and saw that my face was back to normal.

"What the hell..." He whispered under his breath. Suddenly a terrible ringing noise started and I covered my ears and fell to my knees. Cheong-San heard meditation music going off outside. He listened as the zombies ran past the room to get to the speaker. He focused back on me as I covered my ears and silently whimpered.

 ༘*.゚𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐋𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐄.| 𝐋𝐄𝐄; 𝐒𝐔𝐇𝐘𝐄𝐎𝐊  ༘*.゚Where stories live. Discover now