Chapter 1

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If you didn't read the description, this is a sequel to Right By My Side. So if you haven't read it already go to my page and read it before reading this story.

Chyna's pov

It's been a month since I've seen Tyga. He's been performing worldwide so he haven't see King in a month, but he FaceTimes King when he gets a chance.

Right now I'm in a hotel, I'm staying here because I have to do photoshoots for my advertisement and business cards for my 'lashed boutique'. I became more successful in my 'lashed' business. While I'm here King is with my mom. As I was thinking I took the elevator to the lobby.

Tyga's pov

I seen the elevator open and Chyna stepped out. I didn't know she was here. I was here because I just performed close by and I'm staying here because I have a fan 'meet and greet' later on today.

"Chyna, Chyna." I yelled her name, but she was ignoring me.

"What Michael?"

"Can I talk to you?"

"You are talking to me."

I smacked my lips she knows what I mean she's just being a smartass.

"Fine follow me to my hotel room." She said.

We both took the elevator together and we made it to her hotel suite. She slide her room key in and I followed her in while shutting the door behind me. Chyna sat on the opposite couch in front of me.

"What you wanna talk about?" she asked.

"I just wanna say I was busy that's why I haven't gotten King, I didn't want you to think I walked out on him."

She just mean mugged me and folded her arms.

"I know that already." She snapped.

Damn she has an attitude for no reason.

"Chyna don't act like that you know I love you and King."

"Well you've been too busy babysitting Kylie that you can't even watch your own child." She said.

"No, me and Kylie are in business together were making an app called 'pingtank' and that's how I make my extra money calm down."

"What about the extra time ya'll spend together when ya'll not making the app?"

I really couldn't think of anything to say after that.

"I'm done Michael." She said.

She started to walk out the room and back to the elevators. I can't loose her again atleast not today.

Chyna's pov

I hurried into the elevator and pushed the button trying to close the door before Tyga made it in but it was too late, he had already made it in. I cornered him in the elevator so he wouldn't be able to get out.

"Oh so you try to close me out the elevator and now that I'm in you tryna trap me?" Tyga said.

"I did this because you need to know that no one comes before your son, so if you have extra time see King not Kylie."

He just looked down at me and smiled at me and I couldn't help but to smile back. I looked at him again and he had a devious look on his face. Before I had time to act he pressed the 'emergency stop' button on the elevator. The whole elevator stopped.

"This isn't about me being with King is it? You don't want me around Kylie cuz you're jealous." Tyga said.

"No I'm not I don't give 2 fucks."

"Just admit it." He leaned down and kissed me.

After he pulled away he got the elevator moving again. He winked at me before leaving the elevator.

Chris's pov

I was playing around with Royalty. If you didn't know Royalty is my daughter. I've been letting her visit often she is such a blessing and I love her so much I'm happy she's mine.

Nicki's pov

I just sat and watched Chris play with Royalty. She looks just like Chris. I just wished I had never got that abortion because I could've had my own child, but he would've been 16 now so he wouldn't be running around like Royalty.

I kinda wish me and Chris had a baby together, I wanna see how it would turn out. Me and Chris have been doing good in our relationship. We don't really argue much and he's always there when I need him.

Wasn't this a good start for the sequel?
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Happy birthday Royalty.
Luv ya❤✌

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