HS playoffs

2 0 0

Caleb Warming up Layup

Dante Dunking 

1st quater 

Caleb Dribbleing Crosses over breaking a guard ankle attacking the rim Layup 

crowd Cheering Crowd Chanting defense defense 

Dante blocked a shot Caleb rebound Caleb running Dante behind him Caleb Alleyoop pass Dante one handed Dunk 

Trent steals pass to Caleb Caleb shoots wide open 3 in 

Caleb defelted a pass Pass to Cody cody dunk 

After the game stats Caleb 41 points 30 assists 10 rebounds 

They won 

Caleb yessirrr 

Steven hits Locker ARGH I barely got any playing time

Caleb Because your a bad/toxic teamate 

Steven Punches Cody 

Cody ARGH Steven broke his jaw 

Dante Stop picking fights man Your toxic and Crazy 

they got eleimated the second round because of steven 

Caleb Arghhhh WTF i had 20 points Steven Kept Turning the ball over and Tripping me 

Coach Steven you will not be on this team next year 


Coach No you are not

Steven Fuck this team/School Man Arghhh 

Later Caleb and Courtney 

Courtney Sorry bout Steven Babe Idk what going on with him 

Caleb He probably wanna be back with you 

Courtney I don't I wanna be with you 

Caleb ok

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