Chapter 5

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"......." Izuku had nothing to say, what was there to say?

Finding out your long time bully/ex childhood friend got you pregnant and ditched you with broken promises is a lot to take in. Izuku wanted to either laugh or cry from his luck.

Was it good luck? Izuku could not tell, because yeah Kacchan was known to be a gentleman despite his...attitude and personality. However, this was the said man who may have left him in a hotel room. Hell, this was the same man who bullied him back in middle school.

"H-Why do you think he is the father of my baby?' Izuku laughed nervously. "I mean, I looked for the guy I slept with and could not find him and ...did....did he even know I was pregnant for five months? Alone? With my-" Izuku sighed and looked down, frustrated and confused.

"He is the father of your baby." The officer said clearly as he slowly went to Izuku's side. "I see you didn't know either..'

Izuku nodded. "Yeah, cause I was drunk! And he lied, and he.." Izuku snifled as he rubbed his stomach. "He knew?"

The officer was silent but it was confirmed. Izuku felt his omega churn in uncertainty. This alpha was the father of his three pups? The man who abandoned Izuku, no not just him but his babies? Now what, he was going to use Izuku? Was he going to make Izuku his house wife for the show? To make him more appealing in public? Was he going to take Izuku's babys away?

Izuku hugged his stomach, his babys. He didn't-He couldn't, out of the past few months he had felt more happy and satisfied with his life then he had in years, excited for the pups arrival, staying up to look at the adorable crib in the room he spent hours adjusting and relooking over the clothes he got for his pups. Imagining if they would look like him and if the alpha who is believed to have brown hair would look cute on a pup with green eyes.

"I thought ..he had brown hair and-" Izuku sniffled. "I-I dont wanna.." Izuku began bawling with water practically pouring out his eyes. "My..babies"

Izuku didn't want his babies being taken from him! He loved them, and his alpha wasn't there for him. How could he trust that same alpha who left him to care for his pups?

"Look what you've done!" A nurse popped in huffing. Green eyes sharply glaring at the officer and her brown hair up in a ponytail. "You officers and heros," She rolled her eyes, pulling the officer. "Out!Out with you! Enough with the questions and let the poor man rest!" slamming the door.

The officer sighed as he heard the nurse sooth the pregnant omega with words. He was not surprised, after all an omega hearing their pups going to be taken by the league of villains if bad enough, but finding out you're the supposed father of your pups who left you alone for months? Yesh, he knew Bakugou was a good hero, and had a way with his words and actions...But he had messed up pretty hard with his relationship to the omega, that's all he could say. That was not his business if the guy didn't warn the man he impregnated that he was going on a mission for five or six months in australia.

"Is he alright Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi?" Tsukauchi looked to see prohero mina and Kirishima in their hero costumes. They had been here to make sure the omega was alright after his panic attack. They were in chairs looking tired yet determined with Kirishima wrapping an arm around his mate who shook her fists in anticipation for the omegas health.

"Yes, where is prohero Dynamight right now?' The detective sighed.

Kirishima straightened up ."He is fixing his home right now for MIdoriya ..right?..yeah....He plans on taking a break for a while to care for Midoriya before helping in the case. The house burned down from Dabi's attack after we took him in so we were right about them targeting Midoriya.."

The detective nodded. "I am not sure that is the best idea for Mr.Midoriya to live with him..."

Mina and Kirishima stood up. "What? But Bakugou is a good guy, and his home is perfect for protecting Midoriya!"

Minas then thought for a moment and put a hand on Kirishima's shoulder. "Well, that is true...5 months of him being absent would make the dam of the pups reject the sire with the lack of scenting and mating.."

Kirishima wanted to say something but then shut his mouth and could not help but agree.

"So where would he stay? His house is obviously a no, and if he can't st-"

"Excuse me?" The detective turned to see the nurse with her arms crossed. "Where he should stay is by the sire."

The detectives and the proheros looked at her confused. "The pups are in need, with the pack not being available and lack of scenting could cause more stress on the pups and the pregnancy. With him this far in pregnancy, there could be an increase in blood pressure and heart disease. The pups could be at risk of being born earlier and with low birth weight."

"But w-" The detective began when the nurse spoke up.

"I will assign a nurse to come in for check ups, all the alpha ahas to do is the daily scenting and as long as the omega has no stress and his own space he will be fine, it's the pups and the omegas health I worry over more then the drama they have."

Mina looked unsure. "I-I'm sure Bakugou is not like that! He would never harm anyone!"

"Yeah! Bakugou is never someone who harms anyone!" Kirishima supported as the detective just sighed. Yeah, that was none of his business.





Izuku hugged his belly, rubbing small circles. He was going to see Kacchan-no Bakugou. The detective said it was for his safety till the 'villains' were caught. Izuku rolled his eyes at that. Hopefully his pack will get him soon.

And with him having protection under prohero Dynamight himself...Izuku frowned at that. It had been so long since he last saw K-Bakugou. And for him to leave him by himself for months? Then again it was probably a good thing, his pack who was with him through everything even with Bakugou leaving him, would have either killed the prohero or the pro hero could have turned them into the police.

Izuku clenched his fist. He will have to wait till his pack gets him. In order to have his pups safe...but he was never going to let Bakugou take his pups for him or let him blind his judgment again! Izuku does not care what the alpha has to say, Izuku will not let the alpha sway he made up a plan: Make the alpha absolutely hate him. Make him see a pregnant omega is too much and leave him or till his pack gets him or when the officer lets him know when he is 'safe' enough to go home.

"Mr.Midoriya?" Izuku looked up to see the detective with a smile. "Prohero Dynamight is behind the building..I will escort you." He whispered as Izuku nodded following the song. Mentally preparing for meeting the alpha.He was not going to sway.

Izuku was planning on putting up a fight but with no suspension on him being involved with the league of villains, it was best to not risk his pups being taken from him if they come before his pack gets him. And it would look bad if he didn't cooperate. So he was stuck meeting Ka-Bakugou and staying with him.

He had to spend the night at the hospital where he had planned on making a run for it but he spotted cops practically everywhere. One step out his room officers were there with prohero Kirishima who was offering him food and even escorted him to the restroom. He was so nice and easy to talk to that he forgot to try and escape. To be fair, Kirishima was so nice, even carrying him back to his room when his feet hurt.

It made Izuku's heart flutter at the attention.

Izuku still had anxiety and feared meeting Bakugou again, but then shoved it down remembering his plan, he just has to make Bakugou hate this arrangement. Knowing Kacchan, Bakugou would not give up so easily till he catches his pack and takes uzku's pups...meaning he was going to have to annoy the alpha so much he gets tired of him. Which should be easy, Izuku didn't have to try with others to dump or cheat on him so Bakugou like other alphas would be a piece of cake.

After all Izuku was boring, plain looking, useless-

"Deku." Izuku looked up to see, indeed, Bakugou standing taller than him in a white tee with a black coat and nice pants and shoes on with his usual scowl looking down at Izuku who was behind the detective. Izuku was sure his mind was making up sounds as he heard the alpha before them purr.

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