Love from the Other Side

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Note: I don't ship Bluey and Mackenzie together. This story was made just for fun.

Bluey and Mackenzie have been friends for years. Mackenzie, however, felt a strong connection between him and the Blue Heeler as time passed on. It all started when the two pups played Barky Boats for the first time together while their buddies went their separate ways, unaware of the crushes they had on each other. Fast forward a bit, and the two pups were now teenagers in big school together. The two had a lot of classes together and even sat next to each other in one class.

Mackenzie wondered if the Blue Heeler felt the same but was in doubt of the lack of interest she saw in him. Luckily for him, Bluey did feel the same for the Border Collie but was too afraid to admit in case of getting rejected. The Blue Heeler was sitting outside her house in the backyard gazing up at the sky. That was until she heard a voice next to her.

"Hey, Bluey." A familiar Chow Chow greeted as she sat next to the Blue Heeler. It was Bluey's next door neighbor, Judo.

"Hey, Judo."

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Just thinking." She answered, not taking her eyes off the clouds.

"Thinking about what?"

Bluey looked at the ground and started to blush. "You know, just stuff."

"What kind of stuff?"

The Blue Heeler shrugged her shoulders, not wanting to tell her the truth. "Just...stuff."

Judo knew she wasn't getting anywhere and stared up at the sky. The Chow Chow didn't know what to think of big school. The Blue Heeler relaxed her composure as she glanced back up at the sky.

"So, is anything new going on?" The Chow Chow quizzed again.


"Got any plans for the future?"

"Yes, but not necessarily big plans."

"Has anyone caught your eye lately?"

Bluey laid still, chuckling nervously as her eyes darted across the yard. "Not that I know of."

"So, you don't have a crush on anyone?" The Chow Chow inquired furthermore, laying on her stomach and resting her chin on her hands.

"No!" The Blue Heeler snapped. She realized her tone and quickly corrected herself. "I mean, no." she said more calmly.

"What's got into you?"

The Blue Heeler sat up and glanced at her and then back up at the sky before answering.

"I just have a lot on my mind, that's all."

"Me too." The Chow Chow sat up beside the Blue Heeler, staring up at the sky with her. Bluey began to feel nervous.



"Do you think anyone is crushing on me?"

Judo thought for a moment. "I don't know. Why do you ask?"

"If I like someone more than a friend, do you think they'll like me back?"

"Maybe. You'll have to see for yourself."

"I hope you're right." The Blue Heeler said, looking up at the sky yearningly.

While the two neighbors sat in the backyard, Mackenzie was in his room pondering about making his move the next day whether it was before, during, or after school. He was having trouble deciding which would work best and went to his dad for advice. Mackenzie's dad was in the living room finishing up organizing the house's picture frames.

Love from the Other SideWhere stories live. Discover now