The ties that bind us

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     "Mama, where are we going?" Louis asks eagerly., His legs can't stop shaking with excitement because it's the first time he's traveling outside the country to somewhere, he's never seen the mountains and the trees Lilith has rambled and prided herself on,

"Lilith, child, tell this tramp to not address me as his mother. I am not his "mama"." The lady in front of him coldly states, all excitement vanishes in Louis who immediately scoots at the edge of the vehicle,

"You heard it, you rat.Wherever we are going it's none of your business." His half sister sneers,

Louis nods, "I'm-I'm sorry, my ladies."

"Can you be quiet, Louis? We're trying to sleep here." The daughter snarls again, making him nod with a wobbly chin. It's times like this when he wishes his father was still alive.

Lord Tomlinson, also known as Baron Tomlinson was the kindest man Louis has ever seen, what once used to be a great family turned into dust once Diana Tomlinson died during her second childbirth, his father started working more and more but he never once made Louis feel unwanted or ignored him, he always treated him preciously but that only lasted for two years until his father remarried.

At first his step mother, Stephanie, was nice to Louis, she gave him treats and chocolates but it all vanished when they had their daughter, Lilith. Louis started getting ignored as the days went. He tried his best to show that he was capable, but what more could a nine year old do? However Louis had no wish more than to be loved.

On his next birthday when his father asked him what he wanted for a gift he simply replied with the wooden toy with his mother's initials on it. But unfortunately he never received it.

Baron Tomlinson did go out to buy the present but he never returned and hence the birth of the black rose, generally known as Louis Tomlinson recurred.

Stephanie was the one who gave him that nickname, she liked to call him that to remind him how he was the black sheep of the family. The unwanted member. It hurt, but he never said anything and just accepted it.

But that was not where she stopped. Her taunts continued, she blamed Louis, saying he was the reason she lost her husband, that because of Louis, Lilith lost her father but what about him? Louis lost both of his parents, he truly was left alone.

His hand reaches out to play with his mother's necklace, a reminder that she's  with him wherever he goes,

"Oh come off it, he started with the drama—Oww! Can you be careful Paul?" The younger woman exclaims as their carriage goes through a little turbulence.

"I'm sorry madam, there was a stone."

"Ugh whatever."

When Louis looks at their driver the man winks at him, clearly there was no stone in the way, a smile makes its way to Louis' face who hides it but he's sure his eyes display his gratitude.

"Are we there yet, mama?"

"Can you keep it down, young lady. If you want to get married this is not the attitude. A proper lady knows how to be patient." Stephanie scolds making it all clear that they were going somewhere where Lilith is supposed to get married.

Which makes sense why Louis was needed.


When their carriage stops two guards rush towards the door, obviously the two ladies were the first to be out. Louis wasn't really expecting anyone to give him a hand but when a gloved one stretches out he takes it with a smile.

"Thank you." He says to the broad man who helped him, getting a smile in return.

"It's a pleasure." His brown eyes are kind and gentle which was so not complementary with his rather large and broad personality, his features reminded Louis of a puppy.

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