Day in the Life of Bendu!

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T'was the same old routine everyday.
Wake up, forget that you passed out with nothing but a pair of boxers on, and then mentally debate over whether or not it was too late to have breakfast. Been like that for the past, what, thirty or so years after The Divorce?

He lost count.

There Bendu lied, letting out a small sigh at the realization that his own routine was nothing but him just....surviving to the next day, over and over. He turned onto his side and stared at his nightstand. There was a sheet of paper under his still charging phone, as well as the glass eye he was too lazy to properly put away. Oh yea, he forgot he was absent mindedly writing lyrics to a random song he'll likely never finish. 'Something something, finding love again or...whatever'. He scrunched up his face, lightly shook his head even.

The muffled sounds of plates clattering and unintelligible chatter just down the short hallway leading up to his own room already hinted at the rest of the apartment having already woken up—long before he did. It used to be just him and Bandu for the most part, until his noisy boyfriend started coming over more often...along with the occasional visit from his sibling, aka Queen of the 3D Realm.
The strongest God of them all. His friend?
Crazy how he found himself befriending two of the highest gods in the realm, at least to an extent.

Speaking of which, he should be drafting up another song to present to The Queen. He told himself the day before that he'd wake up at the buttcrack of dawn to get started, yet here he was, hugging his blanket like it was another person at what he could only assume was 10am in the morning. He didn't dare check the time, less it actually be 12pm in the afternoon. He nagged at himself for staying in bed like this. He nagged and he nagged until he finally forced himself to properly sit up in bed. His back felt vaguely sore, like he had been sleeping on a boulder— Or maybe he fell asleep in the wrong position; only The Universe above knew.

Maybe The Universe should stop peeking into his daily life, maybe it should give him room to breathe. He stared up at the popcorn ceiling with a tired grimace. He should really get his ass moving. After all, it's better to be pissy at The Universe on a full stomach rather than an empty one.

Now out of bed, Bendu lazily shuffled into the small bathroom that his room came with, making sure to turn on the light so he could look at himself in the mirror. There to greet him was his tired self, messy, scraggly loose graying hair and all. Even his whiskers were all crooked, not that he cared too much at the moment. He reached for the t-shirt that was hanging off the tall, blue clothing rack to pull it over his head. After forgetting which way the tag went, fixing his shirt so it wasn't backwards, and haphazardly applying some of his daily cologne, he deemed himself ready to conquer the day!
.....In his "depression" wear

It wasn't like he was planning on leaving the apartment any time soon. That song for Expunged wasn't going to write itself! In fact, his next stop was his writing desk (sometimes also his 'eating desk' if he ever wanted to eat in the privacy of his own room). He snatched the pencil from the side of the desk and held it hovering above the blank piece of paper. This eventually devolved into him staring aimlessly at the aforementioned sheet of paper while subconsciously chewing the inside of his lip.

'What on Earth would The Queen even like? It's not like her music tastes are very....known.'
'God. Okay.'

Bendu rubbed the side of his temples as if he were trying to get his brain juices flowing. He hadn't even started and yet it was starting to frustrate him.

'No. Not that.'
His palm ended up going over his eyes, the frustration ever growing.

'Red? Gold? No...too broad. Too simple.'

Bendu wanted this song to come to fruition, he wanted to start and then finish this—for her.
He must not disappoint!
He wasn't going to.

"Hey peepaw! There's some left-over bacon in the microwave if you want 'em!"
"If not, then I'll eat it!"
Bandu's voice echoed from the hallway. The mere mention of food made him hungry. He hadn't eaten all morning..

"Give me a second, I will be out soon!"

As much as he wanted to continue brainstorming his song, he needed to get something in his stomach.
And maybe, just maybe, he could head over to the castle afterwards to ask Expunged what her favorite kind of music was. She wouldn't mind a light conversation, would she?

Someone as lonely as her could use a bit of company.
....And a snack, too! Maybe he could bring her something from the a small can of salchichas. He always made sure to remember to bring her a small gift, whether it be a little trinket from the depths of his closet or something as simple as a dollar coin. They weren't even close friends, but he wanted to put in some effort in making something work. He just knew he needed someone new to talk to.
Then he realized he had spaced out again and was now staring at the gray-colored wall. How long had he been sitting there??

Apparently long enough for the muffled sounds in the kitchen to stop. Bendu blinked a couple times at the sudden silence, then prompted to get up once more to fetch his faux eye from his bedside table. When that was all said and done, he realized that his lazy day shirt and boxers were absolutely not going to cut it, not when he was intending to visit someone whose castle was taller than it was wide—or wider than it was tall? He couldn't remember, not when he had seen the interior only once. Bendu could only mentally shrug and carry on with dressing himself to look like a self-conscious peacock (or well...His usual outing clothing). Soon enough, he slipped on the last article of clothing and was out of his room without accidentally pulling a joint.

The living room/kitchen/dining room area was void of any life. This left Bendu scratching his head, as normally Bandu or even Cameo usually frequented this specific area outside of Bandu's own bedroom—and it didn't seem like either of them were in there either! Had they left to do errands without telling him? Odd....

Bendu would have just shrugged this all off if it weren't for the unmistakably crimson red sky he caught out of the corner of his eye from the window. With his mouth somewhat agape, he ran over to look out into the ominous red atmosphere. The floating shapes in the sky looked sharp, broken and overall downright unfriendly looking. A piece of debris flew past the window, startling Bendu into instinctively throwing himself back and away with a baited breath.
Something was blatantly wrong, so much so that he felt that staying put in the apartment wasn't a safe idea anymore.

He was suddenly thankful that he woke up earlier than usual this time around. Bendu couldn't even fathom what could've happened if he stayed asleep. He needed to leave, find shelter, and then find answers.

[Drabble written by me, cover art by me, and Bendu design by @mechamollars]

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