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My eyes fluttered open but I wasn't in my basement anymore. Surrounding me was a huge forest of tall oak trees, the sun barely shining through. I was on a long dirt path, so I just followed the path, after I walked for what felt like hours I saw something. Red hair? Isaac?
"Isaac!" I called out and he turns around, yup. It's Isaac... but he has longer hair and... ears??
"Sefi?!" He calls out and runs over to me
"Isaac, where are we?!" I looked up at him
"No idea, but you've got bunny ears" he has a smirk on his face
"Well- well you've got ears to!" I called out and pointed to his hair
"Oh-" he feels the top of his head
"They look like- lion, or maybe bear ears?" I say with my head tilted a bit
He reaches up and touch's my ear, I feel my ear go back and my eyes widen
"Cute..." he mumbles "I guess your name fits now, huh bunny" he laughs
I roll my eyes and reach up, ruffling his hair.
"Hey! My hair!" He complains and messes with his hair his eyes widen and he starts running his hands through his hair "it's longer!? What!?" He says and I feel myself smiling
"It looks nice" I nod
"Nooo! I'm supposed to have short fluffy hair! Not long frizzy hair!" He complains
"I think that's the least of our worry's, where are we??" I say looking around at the tall trees
Around us is all trees, and the dirt path we are standing on.
As we continue walking we walk for what feels like hours. Soon I see someone up ahead
"Hello?!" I call out. I see young girl with light brown skin and big doe eyes, she wears a cute Lolita dress made of light brown and white fabrics, she turns around
"Yes?" She asks
"Where are we?" Isaac blurts out
"Oh- your in the shadow forest part of The Dream Land" she smiles. Me and Isaac exchange glances
"I'm Sefi, and this is Isaac" I say calmly
"Im daisy!" She smiles "your not from here are you?"
"No- we are from earth" I say and wait for something to happen
She nods "well we should probably get you some clothes so you blend in. Follow me!" She starts walking down a path and me and Isaac look at each other, I shrug and follow. Soon we reach a small cottage, with vines and stone walls, in the forest and Daisy leads us inside
"You can borrow one of my dressed" she smiles "and Isaac, you can borrow one of my brothers suits"
So she led us to some rooms and gave me a beautiful light blue and white Lolita dress. After I got changed I waited in the living room, Isaac comes out wearing a light brown Lolita suit with an orange tie.
"Looking good" i smirk
"Shut up!" He rolls his eyes
"Okay, you guys fit in now!" Daisy claps. My eyes widen when Isaac turns around
"You have a tail! Your a lion!" I say
"What!?" Isaac reaches behind him and feels a tail. I reach behind me and feel for a tail
"I have one to!" I say. Daisy laughs.
"So Daisy, can you tell us about where we are?" I ask after we are all sitting on plush white couch's.
"Well, this is The Dream Land, it's pretty simple, everyone is part animal and then there's the shadow master, no one has seen him, but he's trying to destroy our home, your currently in the shadow forest, my home!"
"Well why do you think we are here?" Isaac asks
She shrugs and Isaac looks down.
The front door swings open and there stands a short man with rat ears and a rat tail, he wears a top hat and a tight fit suit, he has a monocle over one of his green eyes.
"Mr. Timmons?" Daisy stands up and takes his hat hanging it on a hat stand
"Hello Daisy, sorry for the surprise, is your brother home?" He speaks with a soft British accent
"No, sorry he's at the library" Daisy leads Mr. Timmons to the couch, and grabs him some cheese.
"Well, when he gets back can you send him to my house? I have important information for him about the situation" he glances at me and Isaac "well who might you be?"
"I am Sefi, and this is Isaac" I say with a smile.
"Their my friends, uh- from out of town" Daisy says sitting next to me
Mr. Timmons nods and continues eating his cheese
"Do they know about the situation?" He inquires
"N-not really" Daisy hesitates to answer
"Oh- well, why not?" He questions
"They are not from here" she says hesitantly
"Oh!" He squeaks "well I will tell them the story then!" He smiles
"A long time ago we lived in peace all the species and people lived calmly, but a few years ago the shadow master came, he began raising an army, and the raccoons and the otters joined the shadow master-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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