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I wake up and rub my eyes looking at the sunrise outside my window, the one I see every morning but just as breathtaking every day. I smile and spread my wings out a little just enough to get a good stretch but not ruin my room. I get up putting my feet touching the cold wooden floor going over to the closet. I take out a tank top and shorts, sliding them on over my body. It's summer so it would be better for me to not have my normal hoodie and jeans on while I stretch my wings. I walk into my bathroom and brush out my hair putting it into two dutch braids. I look at my face and decide if I want to wear makeup today or not. I decide against it because most of my day will be spent training and stretching so I just wash my face and head downstairs.

"Hey sweetie!" My mom exclaims kissing my forehead as I walk past

"Hey mom, so what training will I be doing while you're at work today?" I ask getting my cereal setting it on the table.

"You can train with whatever you want today sweets, just don't overwork yourself and remember-"

"Stretch my wings after every sets, drink plenty of water, at a snack after training, and take breaks" I smile pouring my milk and cereal into the bowl

"Thank you, Aurora, I'm going to head out now!" Have fun!" She exclaims kissing my forehead and heads out "Also I texted you the list of food we need if you could go and get it after training?"

"I will mom go to work! Did you leave money?"

"Yep on the table. I'm running late, bye!" She yells shutting the door and locking it

My mother is a scientist. She raised me when she got me from the lab, I was born with wings, making me a target for labs and experiments. The scientists did unspeakable things to me but my mother got me out of there and every day I am more and more grateful.

I sigh and finish eating my cereal, cleaning up the dishes before heading out to training. We had a training ground outside with rings for me to fly through, and weapons for me to train with. Stretch my wings out fully, my wings had a range of 50 feet which were colored a bright white which I loved. I smile shooting up into the air going through the hoops hitting my wings a few times but other times going through the rings flawlessly.

"Whoo Hoo!" I shout flying up and going back down catching myself before I slam against the ground laughing.

I plant my feet onto the ground and make my way to the archery range. I grab a bow and quiver filled with arrows. I plant my right foot in front of mine, loading the bow with an arrow and pulling it up in front of me. I draw it back past my nose, closing one eye and shooting it right in the bullseye. I smile at the accomplishment re loading my bow and hitting the bullseye until it was full. I finish up shooting and grab my arrows, putting them into their original place and heading to the combat area.

I turned the bot on easy mode at first but I found it too easy so I put it onto medium but that again was too easy, so I put it on hard. The bot swings hard and I dodge it flipping over its head and kicking its back. The bot stumbles but turns around and punches me in the face on my nose. My eyes start to water, even though it hurt only a little bit. I hold my nose letting out a groan but sweep its legs and it falls back. I step on it so it knows to turn off and I go into the house and make sure it's not broken. I sigh getting out my checklist to see if it is broken.

"Tenderness, no. Swelling, no. Bleeding, no. difficulty breathing, no '' I read checking off boxes and sigh when I realize it isn't broken, just hurt from the punch.

I get a snack and some water before heading upstairs to change into a sundress and re-doing my braids. I go downstairs with my phone, see the list and get the money. Before leaving I remember to do the spell to hide my wings.

"I swear this is so dumb, farge" I whisper before looking to see my winds gone, well invisible

I walk out onto my bike and ride downhill; I ride to the supermarket before dismantling my bike and grabbing my basket. I smile at everyone as I am walking through getting compliments here and there. The girl who sells the meat asks me how my family is and how my mom is. I hop onto my bike and set the basket into my basket on my bike and start back uphill. We live in the forest in the mountains, so it takes a great deal of effort to not fly there.

I get there out of breath and take the basket, putting it inside after parking my bike. I put the basket onto the counter and begin to put them into the fridge, organizing them into different sections. I sigh and grab a book from the bookshelf on my bookshelf while making my wings visible again. I pick up a book about famous witches, some are like me- raised in a lab to be tested on with animalistic features like my wings. They were shunned from the world simply because they were different just like how people would shun me if they found out about my abilities. I have always wondered if I became a superhero of sorts. People would like me and see that being different is so bad.

One of the pages makes me stop, she looks familiar, and the page looks new as if I either skipped it or it was just added. I re-read her name over and over, Luna, her last name was torn out as if someone did not want me to see it. Her wings were 78 feet long and the same white color that mine were. She had the same oak brunette hair I have. The more I looked at her and read about her the more curious I became. I started to research her on my computer and write documents about her.

"Who are you, Luna?" I whisper one night researching her.

I sigh and look up more photos of her trying to find her last name desperately. She was a witch that could conjure things out of stars, and she had galactic powers. The more in depth I went into researching her the more interested I had become; she became a second mother to me and soon my nights were spent researching her. I soon learned she disappeared a few years ago and nobody knows where she is.

I know one thing; I will find you Luna.

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