scrolls and surprises

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I wake up realizing I fell asleep on Noah and get up. I look around and see my bag beside him and go to pick it up when Irealize there is another note. They killed my fucking mother and they still want me to go on? I sigh and look over at Noah sleeping silently and I smile at him. He seems peaceful. I smile and unfold the note.

Dear Aurora

How fun this game is! I have truly enjoyed our little rendezvous! But my dear this is just the beginning! I have set an ancient scroll in your bag and an ancient book. Find out the translation and leave a note for me.

See you soon.


Well, they signed their initials so I'm one step closer to finding out who did this. I fold the note and go over to Noah wiping his blonde hair out of his face but when I go to stand up, he grabs my hand and puts it on his cheek leaning into it. I smile and he wakes up seeing me. We both blush and I fall back. We both laugh and get out bags, I get Apollo out of his pouch and hold him in my hands.

" I guess I have to let you go"I whisper hugging the tiny creature to my chest

"Why?" Noah asks

"I have a feeling we are going on an even bigger quest, this note proves it" I whisper, giving him the note "Goodbye little guy I'm gonna miss you."

I hold him out and he jumps off my hand gliding somewhere I cannot see. I smile and sit on the ledge of the cliff and look down. I smile thinking of my mom how she loved cliffs. I guess I blacked out because one second I'm sitting and the next I'm falling through the air unable to move my wings. I close my eyes and finally accept death smiling, some tears falling from my eyes.

All of the sudden, I feel Noah's arms around me and I'm planted back onto the ground. I look at him and there he is sitting me down against a tree, he took me off the cliff and I can understand that after the stunt I just pulled. I look at him with tears in my eyes, he can tell I did not intend on jumping. He sighs and sits down next to me letting me rest my head on his shoulder. I let out soft sobs clearly not wanting him to see me like this but I just could not bottle up my feelings anymore.

After a few minutes of me crying into his chest the tears finally stop and we stay there for a while. I look at his sunshine yellow eyes and sit against a tree. We both get up after a while and I remember the scroll. I shrug it off and we come to a stop in the woods. By this time it was getting dark.

I look behind me and there is a wolf, and when I turn around another until they are circling us.

"Fuck" I mutter under my breath

I go to reach for my dagger and realize I put it in my bag. Just then a wolf lunges at me and I put my arms over my face in a crossing motion. Nothing comes, no pain, no blood, nothing. I open my eyes and there is a shadow field surrounding us. I look over at Noah and look at my hand where a ball of shadow is surrounding it. I lower my hand and the shadows fall, the wolves gone. I look over to Noah who is smiling.

"You just did shadow magic!" He exclaims hugging me and twirling me in the ai

"Why are you happy?" I ask him as he sets me on the ground still dizzy

"Because I have magic as well" He responds getting down to eye level

"What kind of magic?" ask looking down at the ground.

He smiles and I look up seeing a ball of light on his hand, his eyes an even lighter erosion of yellow. I look at him as the light disappears, if he loves me there is a problem. I can control shadows and darkness I suppose and he can control light, how would that work? It would be dangerous, but I suppose that's love.

I sit down and take the scroll out of the bag. It seems to be a tale of some sorts.

In the coming years, there will be a child of darkness. The child will choose to be good or evil. There will be a child of light, one that could choose to love or loose.

These two children will be powerful, magic like the world has never seen. They can bring balance to the world or they could destroy it. The fate of the world rests on these two childrens shoulders. The two children are

With that, the rest of the scroll is ripped off. It is like no one wants me to see the scroll. Noah is next to me reading it.

"Well we can tell who these two children are can't we?" He asks, "What will you choose, goddess of shadows?"

"The good of the world rests on our shoulders." I whisper "But the world is not good" I look at him, his eyes curious of what I'm saying, I look down and think. A hero would sacrifice the ones they love showing they are true and honest and love the world wanting to protect it, but the villains would burn down the world to see their lover again. Do I want to put the ones I love at risk of becoming a hero? "I have to hink"

He smiles at me pulling me into a warm embrace and I hug him back. Maybe he is the one I love, but if he is I have to tell him before he finds another. I look up at the sky and decide to fly up past the clouds. I look down and Noah is following. He gets to me and grabs me by the waist. I smile at him feeling my face heat up.

We stay like that for a few minutes and then we go back close to the ground dodging the trees. I get down to the ground standing against a tree panting.

Later, I wrote the note the mysterious person said to leave, this time I did not fall asleep. I heard a branch snap and I opened my eyes to see a figure getting the note. I think of a shadow and it appears behind her trapping her. She looks around frantically. I go up to her, taking her wrist and doing a hand motion to make the shadow go away.

"Hello again, Aurora" The woman says laughing.

"Noah! GET YOUR ASS UP" I exclaim looking at Noah who jolts awake. I tighten my grip around her wrist and she winces in pain. "Can you make a light thingy so I can see her clearly?" I ask.

He nods and I tie her up to a tree. When he makes a light orb I look at her in shock. She perfectly matches the description of Luna.

"Name?" I ask my tone shaking

She smirk at me "It seems you already know"

"Luna... Thorn. My biological mother" I say sitting down

"Too right you are hello darling" She whispers looking at me with a smug look

Noah takes me in his arms as if to protect me. Luna looks at me with a look of sadness as if I just stabbed her. I look at Noah who's looking down at me.

"We will sort this out tomorrow, goodnight" I say sitting down at a tree and falling asleep.

Well, things are gonna change now. My biological mother is the most powerful goddess ever,

Maybe I can surpass her.

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