One-shot story.

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Rimuru is sitting alone in her office doing some paper works in complete silence, a knock can be heard shattering the silence inside her office.

"Mistress, a letter from the government has arrive"
Shion said as she holds a silver tray with the letter on top.

"Just put it on the table along with the other documents" Rimuru said not sparing a glance at Shion.

"I'm sorry mistress... But i'm afraid i can't do that. The letter from the government is quite urgent and you must open it right away."

"Fine" Rimuru said as she gave a long and tired sigh.

"You may go now" Rimuru said.

"Yes, mistress" Shion said as she bow down.

Shion walked out of Rimuru's office without saying anything leaving the tired Rimuru alone.

'ughh.... What the heck! What do they want from me?!'

She opened the letter from the government and while she reads the letter she gets more furious every second she's reading the letter.

'what?! They're wishing for my protection after what they did? Fool, but... On the other hand i too wish to spare them a visit'

She said with a smirk smudged on her face.

"Souei" Rimuru opened her mouth and spoke.

"Yes mistress" Souei said already kneeling down.

"Still as fast as ever Souei" Rimuru said with a soft chuckle.

"W-well because it's you, mistress..." Souei muttered while blushing.

"hehehe, ah right. Call Benimaru you two are going to accompany me today"Rimuru said with a bright smile on her face.

"Right away mistress"Souei said still blushing and walked away.

Minutes have passed and Souei came back with Benimaru behind him, they walked towards the exit where Rimuru is standing.

Rimuru is wearing her black dress paired with her black heels with a coat on her back.

As for Souei and Benimaru they're wearing a black tuxedo and black shoes.

A black car stopped in front of the three and Souei opened the back door for Rimuru while Benimaru and Souei is on the front sit.

They drove rimuru to a building with lots of lots of guards and the military accompanying the guards protecting the palace.

Once the car stopped Rimuru stepped out of the car and walked towards the entrance of the palace as the guards greet Rimuru.

"Good afternoon madam" the guard said as he opened the door for Rimuru.

Rimuru did not spare him a glance but instead chose to ignore his greetings. She just simply walked in.

A woman approached Rimuru, the woman seems to be a secretary because of her uniform and also her identification card.

The lady opened her mouth and greeted Rimuru.

"Good afternoon madam"


"Please follow me"

The attendant said as she guided Rimuru towards a room. Once the three of them reached the room they were supposed to meet up, the attendant opened her mouth once again.

"Madam, you're the only person who is allowed to enter"

"Sigh... Fine. Benimaru, Souei wait for me here"

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