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79's had always been the place to be for clones looking for a good time when visiting Coruscant. Many had told stories about their nights there since the war had started so many moons ago. Drunken moments of clumsiness, slurred compliments to the never-ending stream of beautiful bar hoppers, and even pranks and never-ending mischievous antics had taken place at the club. So when given the chance Wrecker had dragged each of his brothers there, for a night of fun and drinking. Tech had been enthusiastic about going, mentioning a hypothesis he wanted to try out. Crosshair and Hunter on the other hand wanted nothing more than a quiet evening in the barracks. An evening Wrecker with the help of Tech was determined to deny the pair of them.

If only Hunter had known, that night he'd meet (Y/N).

The night had started out quietly enough when the squad known as the Bad Batch arrived, it was before the peak times. Only a few were there, the odd Twi'lek waiting for the night to go on, a few groups of people celebrating something or anticipating the night of fun. Some other clones were there too, a few Captains and Commanders in the booth furthest from the bar, partly shrouded in shadow. Commander Cody was among them.

As the night went on and the drinks flowed, Hunter had become a little overwhelmed, his senses being overstimulated by the strobe lights, loud music, and the constant scent of alcohol and arousal. The Sergeant had tried his best to ignore the headache beginning to build, offering a brotherly grin upon noticing Tech surrounded by a group of women as if he'd gained his very own fan club. Wrecker's attempt to flirt drew a chuckle from Crosshair, as the sniper shook his head and offered an apology to the beautiful woman the bigger softy had accidentally offended. Even Hunter had chuckled to see the antics the captains and commanders from earlier in the night got up to in their drunken state. Listening to the stories Cody told about the time they'd each taken upon themselves to confuse their Jedi Generals. Even how General Plo had gone along with it.

"I'm gonna get some air" announced Hunter, when Crosshair returned to the booth. The sniper had given him a look of concern, but nodded nonetheless, offering to accompany him. An offer Hunter had rejected, insisting his brother enjoy himself and continue with his efforts at winding up Commander Wolffe. Something very few would attempt to try with the battle-worn commander. It was only when Hunter stepped outside and the cool air rushed over him did he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. The pounding in his head stopped, much like the flashing behind his eyes did. His golden eyes took in the view of Coruscant before him, how the skyscrapers different in size, all lighting up like Christmas trees, all glowing, the many vehicles passing by creating a steady rainbow-colored stream. The music from the club offering small vibrations and dulled musical rhythms.

It was only when Hunter had taken a few steps away from 79's and towards the barrier preventing patrons from falling from the edge. Did he crash into someone? At first, he'd been too stunned to realize what happened, the small yelp to escape the other person hadn't even registered, even less so when Hunter's senses had been overtaken by the sweet scent of jasmine and aloe vera. Only when he shook his head did he notice the smaller woman on the ground before him, looking just as shocked as him. She quickly scrambled to pick her small sparkling bag up from the ground and the contents of it, to have flooded the area around her. Words of apology flew from her painted lips, as she rushed to apologize. Her eyes with a range of emotions flooding through them as she refused to look at Hunter out of embarrassment.

"It was my fault" were the first words Hunter managed to form, taken aback by her beauty. As he attempted to burn her image into his mind, recognition soon hit him. He has seen her before, at the military base there on Coruscant. She was one of the many civvi recruits apart of the GAR. He last caught a glimpse of her a few hours prior, all but dragging Commander's Wolffe and Cody somewhere, gently guiding Captain Howzer along as well. All three men had been resisting a little but complying as if they knew it was pointless to argue back with her. "You're (Y/N), one of the medics at the base" spoke Hunter, his voice croaky, as if he couldn't believe his luck to finally meet the woman famous among the clones.

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