▶ 𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 ambiguity and mysteriousness is what makes the coy president of Workers fall for one of the les...
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「 Who Are You? 」
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ♡︎♡︎♡︎ TENSION FILLED THE air as everyone in the room eyed each other suspiciously, some were internally debating whether they should get up or leave while the rest had murder in their minds as they gazed upon whoever was in front of them. But their actions were ultimately controlled by the only person sitting at the very front with his arms crossed over his chest and casually sitting back against his seat.
YOOJINwore a tight-lipped smile as he looked at the only woman in the room, she, too, was sitting in a manner as if none of the people around her could easily crush her spine, for she knew she was protected as long as her executives are with her, namely the blond man that sat beside her.
A suffocating second has passed before SOMA MITSUKI broke the silence, leaning away from the spine of her seat and placing her hands on the cold, metallic table. All quickly turned their heads to her as she prepared her words, clearing her throat and speaking with a stiff voice.
"He'll be here in just a few minutes, he might've gotten lost—"
Her words were smoothly interrupted by the double doors opening wide to reveal a person with a terrifying red demonic mask on, it was unknown yet if they were a man or a woman until they spoke in Japanese, thus surprising nearly everyone in the room, save for Mitsuki.
"I'm sorry I'm late, my sense of direction isn't quite as good when I'm out of my home country."
Yoojin was quick to reply with his signature angelic smile, gesturing to the only open seat left while speaking in an equally angelic tone, which really wasn't a good sign at all. "It's quite alright. Even I get lost sometimes. Why don't you have a seat so we can carry on with the meeting?"
Mitsuki's guest nodded at the other, briskly walking to the empty seat and sitting stiffly, back as straight as a ruler yet he looked as relaxed as the rest of the people in the room. The tension seemed to dissipate upon the arrival of the person in the Shikami mask, though some remained between him and the blond man. It was one sided of course.
"Would you mind introducing yourself or would you like to remain as a mystery for everyone?" Yoojin asked the newcomer in Korean, five seconds have passed before Mitsuki spoke for the boy. "He's not going to introduce himself but he will talk to people, just not willingly."
"Always and only refer to him as Shikami, he prefers to be as anonymous as possibly regarding his entire identity. Just know that his age is within our range, he will likely avoid you regardless if you want to know him or if you're just passing by, and would gradually dislike you if two continue to meet under your manipulation."
After saying all of that, Mitsuki once again leaned back against her chair and sighed, awaiting for Yoojin's response or any of the other's remarks. So far, there were none, which only left her one thing to do before getting up and leaving the meeting without the workers' president adjourning the meeting.