🌊 Percy Jackson Part 2

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Chapter two: Are Complimentary Peanuts Free?

The voice haven't actually talked to me for the past few hours, the last time they said something was around six in the morning. They just told me to hurry up because the thing is behind me.
I grabbed a travel sized deodorant, I left my normal deodorant at home, I didn't have enough time to grab it before the voices made me leave. Of course I won't buy a full size deodorant if I would probably only be able to use it twice. Also, a full size deodorant costs more than a travel size and I need to save the little money I had.
An older woman walked by me and gave me a look. I looked down, my clothes weren't dirty I'm wearing the sweatpants I fell asleep in and the ribbed long sleeved shirt I wore to school. Maybe she looked at me like that because I was wearing sweatpants, or since I have a backpack she thought I was stealing.
I placed the deodorant back on the shelf and heading to the bathroom. All the stalls were empty, signaling that I was alone. I went into a stall and unzipped my backpack to pull out the pair of jeans I brought. I slipped off my sweatpants and slipped on my jeans. They were my favorite pair of jeans, they had a bunch of patches that I placed. They also had metal claps and buttons in the mix of the patches. Some of my favorite patches were an Earth with a heart in the middle, a skull with cross bones, and my three pride flags, bi, duraromantic, and demigirl. There were rips in the knees and thighs. Last year I bought a silver chain and when I bought these jeans I attached the chain to the back and front pocket on the right side.
I stuffed my sweatpants into my backpack and walked out of the stall. I looked in the mirror, over the weekend I had a hair appointment. For the past few weeks my hair was a red, but I got bored of that, so I got it redyed to pink. I quickly tied my hair into a cord knot bun. I walked out of the bathroom and went to buy the few things I needed.
My flight leaves at eight a.m. tomorrow and the airport was only ten miles away. I made great progress in a day, I traveled a trip that would take about an hour and a half in a car in a day.
I smiled to myself as the orange glow of the setting sun warmed my face. My phone ringed again, my moms have been trying to call me nonstop since they saw that I was missing. I ignored the call, I stopped answering after the fifth call telling me to come home.
I wanted to make it to the airport before it got too late, I didn't want to be want to be out in the city too late at night. The area that I'm in isn't very populated, it's really just alleyways and warehouses leading up to the airport. My aunt always warned me about gangs in the city, she lived in Chicago and has seen them before.
I saw the signs for the airport up ahead and started to run. The sky was lit up by the bright lights of the airport. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pulled up my email, having the conformation email on standby. It was hard to pull up the email as I ran.
I hoped that the people at the airport didn't ask for an ID or a driver's license, because I'm not sixteen yet. The closest thing that I had was the school ID I kept in my phone case.
I suddenly froze, a group of tough, burly teens stepped into my path. The one in the middle held a metal bat. I swallowed, one of the two things I didn't want to run into going to the airport. I crossed my arms over my chest and gave the most menacing look as possible.
"What do you want?" I spat.
"Gimme all your cash," the guy with the baseball bat said. I pulled out the fifteen dollars from my front pocket, the change from shopping earlier. I held it out in front of me, the money in between my pointer and middle finger. The guy in the middle, who I assumed was the leader, stepped forward and snatched the money. He narrowed his eyes at me.
"You have more money, I know it," he said.
"That's all I have," I held up my hands in protest.
"You're heading to the airport, you probably have more money. Also you are going out of town, I can tell. You are from around here, you have the accent." Crap, he was smart.
"I don't have any more money, I swear. I'm going to my aunt's, not a vacation. That's all the money I brought," I tried to walk past them, but they blocked my path. I was almost out on the street, it was after eight so their was still cars driving around. There was a group of cars coming up behind me, I came up with the stupidest idea I've ever came up with, but it might just work.
The group started closing in on me, but they didn't have enough people to surround me on the street. I waited till the very last second before to jump out in front of the cars. I ran as fast as I could to the sidewalk on the other side of the street. The cars swerved and honked at me, but I continued to run.
As soon as I got to the other sidewalk, I ran faster than I've ever ran before. I'm glad that I didn't eat anything for a while, because if I did I would be throwing up by now. I didn't look behind me go see if the gang also crossed the street and were following me or running along beside me on the other sidewalk.
Luckily, airport entrance was closer to the sidewalk I was on, so I wouldn't have to cross the road and be on the side with the gang again. I quickly ran down the sidewalk, towards the car entrance. There weren't any cars entering the airport at this point, so I would have to worry about getting hit.
I ran through the parking lot and pushed open the doors leading into the building open without stopping. The light inside the airport blinded me, it was really bright. Up ahead there was the ticket and luggage counter. The line was fairly short, not many people had a late flight. I didn't have to wait in line for too long, and before I knew it I was at the front of the line.
"Hello," the worker smiled at me. "How may I help you?"
"Hi, my mom purchased a ticket online for to Manhattan. Her name is Monica Smith."
"Okay," the worker started to type on their computer. "Do you have the conformation email of the ticket purchase?"
"Right here," I showed them the email. They nodded and typed the conformation number into the computer.
"Do you have a driver's license or a school ID?" I popped the case off my phone and showed them my school ID.
"Okay," they said after a few seconds of typing. "Here you go," they reached under the counter and handed me a button that said 'Unaccompanied Minor'. "Wear that when boarding the plane. Your gate number is 27b. Also, do you know that your flight is tomorrow morning?" I nodded. "Well, we have a lounge you can hang out in and wait for your flight. Have a nice night," the worker said and I walked off after thanking them.
I passed the food court, my stomach growled. But I didn't buy anything, I had to save all the money I could to make it to the address. I looked up and saw a sign that said 'Lounge' in fancy lettering. There were many comfortable looking recliners. The huge La-Z-Boy kind. There were plates of cookies and chips with a sign that said 'free'. My stomach growled again, I haven't eaten much in the past twenty four hours. The last thing I had was a Cliff Kids protein bar when I bought the few necessities at the store. I grabbed a bag of Sunchips, garden salsa, my favorite kind.
I walked over to a recliner by the huge widows, that were basically the walls for a huge part of the lounge, and sat down. God, they were more comfortable than they looked. I must've sunk six inches into the chair, I could curl up and sink into the chair.
The only other people in the lounge with me were a mother, who was 'just resting her eyes' on one of the recliners, and her three young children, who were running around and sneaking over to the cookie tray to take another cookie. I laughed as I checked the charge of my phone. Twenty five percent. I powered off my phone so if wouldn't loose anymore charge.
"What's your name?" A small voice asked me. I turned and noticed it belonged to one of the small kids running around the lounge. She had on a pink t-shirt and her sandy blonde hair was pulled back into two braids.
"Blake," I gave her a smile. "Yours?"
"Izzy. Where is your Mommy, why isn't she with you?" She looked up at me with big blue eyes.
"She's at home, she said I was old enough to travel to my aunt's alone."
"Woah," Izzy's face lit up.
"Izzy!" A boy who looked to be around ten with brown hair ran up beside her. "Don't go wandering off."
"But I wasn't-"
"C'mon," he grabbed her wrist and dragged her back to their sleeping mom and confused brother.
"Now boarding flight 27b to Manhattan," the lady by the entrance of the tunnel leading to the plane said into the microphone. "Can we have all coach members board the plane at this time." I stood and grabbed my bag from the floor. As I waited in line I pinned the button to my shirt.
Before I got to the front of the line, I quickly powered on my phone to pull up my ticket. The lady scanned the barcode and gave me a smile.
"Have a nice flight," she said.
"Thanks," I celebrated internally for not saying 'you too'. Big accomplishment.
I quickly walked down the aisle, having to stop a few times by people placing their carry-on luggage in the over head compartments. When I finally got to my seat, I sat down with a happy sigh, glad I got the aisle seat.
Finally, with everyone on the plane, the stewardess began the safety protocols. I zoned out after a minute in, I already had my seatbelt buckled, so I was ready for takeoff. I couldn't wait for the plane to get into the air so I could try to fall asleep, since I hadn't got much sleep in the past few days. Actually, no sleep.
I started to feel uneasy after the plane was in the air, and after the seatbelt sign was turned off, I still kept my seatbelt on. This was my first time on a plane, so maybe that was why. But I couldn't shake the feeling that I didn't belong here and something bad was going to happen.
The stewardess started to come around with a snack cart. She came up to me and smiled with her lipstick red lips.
"Would you like some water or complimentary peanuts?" She asked me.
"Are they free?" As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I face palmed. I'm not dumb, I promise. Living on no sleep for the past two days is great, real great.

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