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Hopes POV

I put my phone down so it doesn't get confiscated by the teacher and I start to pay attention to the teacher again until writing pops up on my desk saying"I know why you did mikealson -lizzie" I look confused and turn my head to Josie who's cheeks are red as a tomato I than turn my head to Lizzie and MG ,mg is chuckling and Lizzie looks kinda fuming and kinda proud at the same time I'm pretty sure that's her split personality showing at the same time but anyways I turn back around a whisper something in Jo's ear I than see that she starts blushing 10x harder,I start smirking and I kiss her cheek I soon enough put my head down and wait for the time to fly by


Josie POV

Once the bell rings I pack my books at I shake hope awake she groans and complains but soon gets up we than start walking to MG and Lizzie Which is the cutest couple ever even though they say there not a couple obviously a lie but anyways we walk up to them and start conversating untill finch comes up to us

"Ugh finch what are you doing here I thought you would be somewhere chewing on your dog bone"Lizzie says with a lot of attitude

"Um no I thought you would be at a pharmacy trying to act so psychotic"finch says back with just as much attitude shrugging her shoulders

Lizzie launches at her but MG and hope holds her back calming her down

"Watch your mouth finch"hope says low growling with her eyes piercing gold

"Aww is hopey mopey gonna get mad"she says using hand gestures as a crying baby

I see hope about to loose her temper and I quickly take hope hand in mine and walks somewhere else,I notice eyes on us and when I mean eyes I mean MG,Lizzie,finch eyes but I continue to walk I soon find a closet and we both enter It I than put my hand on her cheek to calm her down

"Calm down hope it's gonna be okay..she doesn't mean what she says she's just moody I promise"I say with a soft voice seeing her eyes turn back to her beautiful blue color

"Thank you jo... I'm sorry if I scared you"hope says with her low husky voice

I smile a little and say"hope you didn't scare me I just wanted to make sure you didn't kill finch"I then start chuckling a little she then starts chuckling with me

A little after the laughing it dies down and we start to slowly lean in she than locks lips with me and drags her tounge on my top lip asking for entrance and of course I let her in we than start making out

A little later we stop cause we almost start having sex in the closet we open the door and walk back to the group and we both see finch and Lizzie trying to fight each other but MG is in the middle breaking them apart

We jog to them to catch up faster and I pull finch away to a corner while Lizzie and hope and MG are in the other,I start whisper yelling at finch

"Finch what is wrong with you why can't you just get along with her !"I say annoyed because they can never not fight

"It's not my fault baby she is always pickin on me what am I supposed to do just let it happen Im not ever gonna just let her say shirt about me without me saying something back that's just how it is"finch says raising her voice a little

"Whatever finch just stop acting out!..."I say still annoyed with her

"You know I wouldn't act up if you just gave me a quick kiss"she says slowly leaning in capturing my lips she's still my girlfriend and I still love the taste of her lips but they aren't better than hopes but I still kiss back

I can feel a pair of eyes burning in the back of my head i break the kiss and we start walking back to the group,hope looks hurt
Mental note to check on her later

end of the cpter
735 words gonna make the next chapter longer  promise anyways byeeee❤️‍🔥

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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