Episode 7: The Koopa Bros

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One phone call later Professor E Gadd shows up

Mario: thank you so much-a for coming on-a such short notice

E Gadd: anytime. I know a thing or 2 about portal tech since I've studied it before when I was younger. So I might be able to reverse the affects the portal caused

Sonic: awesome! How long will it take though?

E Gadd: it may take a long time. Maybe even all day at minimum.

Tails: at least it buys us some time to look for more of the emeralds

E Gadd: talking of which I just happen to have 1 right here

He then shows them the emeralds

Luigi: wow we already have-a 3 out of-a 7! This is-a way too easy!

Shadow: I wouldn't push your luck if I were you

Just then the lights went out

Tails: hey! What's going on?!

Yoshi: yeah! Who turned out the lights?! I can't see a thing!

Just then the lights come back on and the Chaos emerald E Gadd had was gone

E Gadd: oh no! The emerald is gone!

Shadow: oh no! Their not getting away THAT easily! *runs out the door*

Sonic: Shadow! Wait! Come back! *heads to the door*

Tails: Sonic wait. Take my tracer and use it to track him

Sonic: I'll do it thanks

Mario: I'll go too

Luigi: where Mario goes I go

Tails: the rest of us we'll stay here and keep an eye on things

Yoshi-Knuckles: aww

Mario and Luigi head outside

Luigi: Sonic is-a so fast we'll never catch him

Mario then takes out 2 stone leaves

Luigi: is-a what I would-a say if-a we didn't have those

One transformation into furri- I mean Tanooki and Kitsune forms respectively they fly off

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One transformation into furri- I mean Tanooki and Kitsune forms respectively they fly off

The Bros follow Sonic and Shadow and mannage to find the, watching the Koopa Bros

Sonic: Shadow there you are. Don't do that

Shadow: well excuse me for trying to get the emerald back

Tanooki Mario: (the Koopa Bros? What are they doing-a here?)

Sonic: who are those guys?

Kitsune Luigi: old enemies. Mario said he fought-a them before

Sonic: we should formulate a plan

With the Koopa Bros

Red: radical job dudes! Those losers didn't see that one coming!

Black: 'twas nothin dude. Should'a seen the looks on their faces. Priceless

Yellow: I agree total shame I didn't bring my camera

Green: well dudes now what do we do?

Red: we head back and give this to the-

Shadow: hey!

Red: dude? Who are you?

Shadow: the one who's gonna take that emerald back!

Sonic: and me!

Kitsune Luigi: me 3

Tanooki Mario: hey fellas remember me?

Yellow: aw dude! It's him!

Green uh oh

Red: Mario! I remember you! Your the one who rescued that star spirit a few years back!

Sonic: who are you anyway? The Ninja Turtles?

Black: wrong franchise man

Red: I'm Red!

Black: yo! Black here!

Yellow: was'up I'm Yellow!

Green: Green is the name!

Red: and together we are

Koopa Bros: The Koopa Bros!

Red: tell ya what Mario we'll make you a deal

Tanooki Mario: and what is that-a?

Red: if you and your buddies win we'll let ya go and you have the gem. If we win the gem belong's to us

Kitsune Luigi: what are we gonna do Mario?

Tanooki Mario: the one thing we can-a do Luigi. Fine it's a deal. But on-a 1 condition. You can't-a use the emerald-a

Black: seems like fair bet to me

Red: alright fine! Let's do this!

Team M&S and the Koopa Bros then charge at each other and the fight begins. Both teams showing no signs of slowing down but with enough teamwork Team M&S prevailed

Mario then knocks out Red

Red: aww bummer *goes out cold*

Tanooki Mario: who's-a next-a?

Black: what now brothers?

Yellow: You can your stupid gem! Gotta fly

Green: run!

They all leave and the Mario bros turn to normal

Sonic: we did it!

Shadow: and we got the emerald and that's all that matters

Luigi: guys I just-a gotta voicemail from-a Professor E Gadd. He says-a the Princess is-a back at the castle

Mario: she's-a what?!

Sonic: who again?

Luigi: maybe we should-a head back first and then he'll explain what's-a going on

They all make their way back to Tails house

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