The Riddler's Kid

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Screw my brain! I couldn't come up with any options so I started to write the sequel to 'The Riddler's Girl' to another story of his son.

Anywho, I've haven't been here long cause, school, homework, stuff, etc, gets in the way.

Lets go on with the story shall we?


Chapter 1

*12 years later* (John II is 16)

Gotham. Most people call it hell. But some criminals call it home. Unless the bat gets in the way. Oops, forgot my manners (moms side) I'm Johnny,John, Ed. Nigma the II. I put the II there cause some might mistake me for my uncle. If you are very observant, Tell me this, I have the name of an evil smart person but have the sweet heart of the partner?

Don't get it? Well, I'll tell you, you crazy, stop, calm yourself John.

Back to me, the easiest question haves the easiest answer.

Edward and Jessica Nigma.

Of course I was born here, but moved to California.

But then moved back to Gotham, and yada yada yada. Blah Blah Blah! Lets get on with whats really happening right now.

Like any other kids family, which is boring, I sit on the green couch, the TV on, and me, biting my pencil while concentrating on this puzzel. 

Dad is out, doing all his brain teaser of course for the bat, my mom justa stay at home mom, cause she's afraid someone is going to take her away, CoughBATcough, to her old home and arrest dad. That mostly got Dad worried, so he became over protected over her. He still is protective but he's starting to loosend up.

The Gotham news started up and stopped looking over the puzzel and up at the TV. Mom soon came in when she also heard the news coming up.

'Later news today, Gotham's most dangerous phcyopath has now been caught by Batman, yet again, and now is Arkham Asylum...' Saidthe Gotham News Anchor guy.

I shook my head, and sighed. Dad will never get batman, yet again, he is still smart then him, but as dad always says when he esacpes the jail hell cells, 'The Bat always cheats!' He whines, and then mom takes him to the bedroom, and......yeah lets not get to the part, though lets just say, they should have tough walls, not thin walls to keep queit.

I shudder at the scream my mom did that night...I'll never hear the end of things and now im having mental images.

I shook the thought but started to continue on my puzzel.

Mom shook her head and sighed. "When will your father ever learn how to run and drive quickly and not get caught?" mom asked 

"I don;t know mom, smart people can;t run fast unless they have long legs like uncle John C." I said. Mom smiled and had this far away look. Noticing that, I waved my hands in front of her. She shook out of it, smiled at me, and went to the kitchen to make dinner, knowing dad will come home tonight. 

I'm guessing that you people are jealous having a cool, smart dad, and a heart welmed mother. 

I mean, yeah, I love my family, but sometimes its hard to et out without being caught. 

Who knows?! I might even grow up and look like dad's twin brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2013 ⏰

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