"A New..Family?"

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[Authors note!!: Yeah hi if you do enjoy this do like or star it!! And please tell me if I make typos..thank you!!]

Day 2: waking up in an orphanage like mine..sucks. It sucks dick. God I don't even want to be here, or waking up here, you either, wake up due to someone through something in your own face, a smell, or a caretaker waking you up because you've slept for to long and they just want to make sure you didn't kill yourself over night or something. God it's stupid, but that's what happens when you live here for almost your entire life. Though..after a few kids came along, well new orphans like me, there was a kid Simon, they were only 5..and their name was to similar to my last name so I decided to nickname them shroud. Shroud was my son, my best buddy, my best friend in the entire universe, well not best friend but my son, yeah, son! Shroud will be my perfect son forever.

It's been awhile since I have talked to another kid here since all of the others are so annoying. God their so annoying like this one time this kid tried to shove a crayon up my nose I think they needed to be chained up because of how weird they were..so weird. But anyways I don't know what to do here I just spend my days in my room talking to shroud, sometimes shroud wants to go outside but I say in response that those children will murder us alone and so we both must stick together and we just go against them. But no joke they will murder us with no hesitation. Their big weirdos, really weird if I'm going to be honest. But you know what fuck it I'm a grown man!  I don't need no body to tell me what the fuck to do with my life! If I die, I die!!! Who cares if anybody wants to get in my way when they don't want me to die! If I die it's for destiny! My story!

Why do people hate shroud? Shroud is nice! He has nice black hair, and red eyes! I don't understand why the other kids are ignoring him or beating him up or something! And what makes it even worse?! When the care takers are around they always seem so "nice" WHEN THEY'RE NOT. Luckily, the big man I am, and have always been will once again, save him! Why? Because..I'm just like that! I save people for the greater good! Even if it meant punching people in the face! And even if it meant..getting in trouble with the care takers. But every time is worth it! Because shroud is my best friend, he was my first best friend after a while..my last best friend was a cow plush, his name being Henry. I don't like to talk about Henry, Henry was a good cow, a good pal, I just don't like to talk about how you know, he ended up dying I guess.
"Wait, really?!? YOUR LYING.."
"I'm not lying Tommy! A new family has interests in you!"

Tommy smiled warmly as if he could burst into fireworks as he began to run around with joy as if he were outside in the meadow as he smiled happily just yelling out gibberish.

"So when can I..see them?!? My new fuck'n family!?!"

"Well you will be able to see them soon, but just, not now. You'll need to get to know them, or well meet them..at least."

"Ah, yeah..right. Like every fucking time."

"I know Tommy..but I promise it will be okay, the man seems to like you based off what we told him about you!"

"Yeah, I hope he better fucking like me or I'll kick his fucking ass!"

"Language, Tommy."

"Oh, yeah right..sorry niki."
A few days have passed, like 2-3 days or so, since the last of that conversation, and during those days you know Tommy just had to brag it off to the other children that were there with him, bragging how a family did have interests in him, but that's really mainly it to be honest. And of course the children were annoyed on how he kept doing it over, and over again.

Which is why most of the time when they see Tom Simons approaching they of course, avoid him. Simple as that. Which made Tommy the very sad lonely boy he was to this day. And honestly I couldn't agree better with them, if I were there I would of course ignore them too.

But yet, the time came, the time came to meet his almost new family, and if they liked him, just enough to like him, to take him into their own arms, and to just call it his own forever home, as a caretaker was next to him just telling him all the basic stuff to know, don't say anything bad, don't do anything that loses interest the basics. Though Tommy wasn't listening to a single word, Tommy was sweating, sweating like crazy as if he were in the rain. He was just so excited but yet scared he wouldn't be able to find a family to care for him. He looked up and down at the door ready to just burst it open.

And as soon as the caregiver let him go, he took a big breath in, and a deep breathe out, slowly reaching his hand to the doorknob slowly opening the door. The door being basically as old as time, made a creaking noise the loudest freaking noise which in Tommy's words, in the world to be. Which of course got the person in the rooms attention, the first thing Tommy saw was a lighting brown color with the bottom half being replaced by wooden boards, with a carpeted room, to Tommy's left, there could be seen a table with two chairs across from one another and the other thing lighting up the room was a window and some blinds.

The man that was sitting across the table from where Tommy was suppose to be seated was a man that appeared to be in his mid thirties, somewhere around 35, the man had blonde hair, appeared to be head length, though Tommy couldn't tell because the man's hair was in a low bun, wearing black glasses and his eyes being a beige blue color yet they look as if they could pierce Tommy's ego. He was wearing a white button up with a dark green jumper, and some black pants with dress shoes, Tommy looked a little awkward, he looked all fancy while Tommy had on was just a red jacket and some skinned tone looking jean shorts and red converse shoes.

Tommy slowly just closed the door behind him as he slowly made his way to the chair sitting down on it, as he just avoided eye contact, the man smiled politely as he positioned himself a bit more better as if he were to impress a child. The room was dead silent, the atmosphere was so thick you could cut it with a knife, and even if a pin dropped to the ground that would be the loudest thing in the room except the air conditioning.

"So uhm..", the man started. "My name is, Phillip, though you can just call me Mr. Watson."
Tommy just smiled and nodded and just looked to the side as if he were to give the wall a side eye look, "well uhm..Mr. Watson. I'm guessing you know who I may be so let's just skip this part anyway."

omfg I finally had the motivation to actually just, write this..wow I know I don't have that many people reading but I js want to continue it js I'm js like that. But anyways I hope y'all like this one!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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