😍😍😍 NOCO IS REAL?!😍😍 pt3

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Help I feel like this is so bad 😭😭

We'll get back to the gc eventually I promise
Meanwhile here ig

3rd person POV


Noah went up to the brunette, grabbed him by the wrist, and dragged him down the hall. Cody screamed in shock and fear.

"Shut up you gapped tooth bitch. I need to talk to you."

Everyone stared them down as Noah was dragging him. Bridgette looked concerned, and Leshawna looked about an equally good amount of anger, shock, confusion, and scared. The rest? They look like they were gonna record a fight, like middle schoolers do.

Once Noah found an empty room, he swung Cody in there. Keep in mind he's very light.

"What's wrong?"


Leshawna's POV

God damn. I mean I knew that Noah was gonna ask him out, but I didn't mean to fucking drag him down the hall. Child, you have a lot to learn.

Damn, it's silent in here. Maybe I should order a pizza? I don't know. Somethin' needs to fill the silence.

"Pizza anybody?"

These people must've been starving. Everyone clapped and cheered for this shit.

"Okay okay okay! Calm down!"


Noah's POV

Look, I don't know if it was the adrenaline, or if he's just really light. I swung him into the empty room like my backpack when I got home from school. He's not going anywhere till I found out what's going on. I closed the door, locked it, and stood at the door, with my back leaning against it. Also, would this even be a good place to ask him to be my boyfriend? Probably not.

"Gap, what's going on?"

"Nothing! I'm fine!"

"Yeah, and I love socializing with other people I met in a stupid reality tv show by an insane host who's now serving life in prison. I don't believe you."


"Look, if it's what I think it is, then just say it. I know you've been hiding this shit from me and I'm sick and tired of it."

Meanwhile in ✨ TOTAL REUNION ✨

Gwen: what's going on???

Leshawna: you do realize both of them are in this gc right?

Owen: dw dw I got this y'all 😎

Owen removed Cody and Noah

Geoff: r u gonna add them back eventually

Owen: eventually

Izzy added: Noah
Izzy added: Cody


Noah: could y'all stfu

Gwen: your in a room with ur bf go talk to him

Leshawna: or go ride his dick smh

🤬👺👹 TOTAL👺🤬👹 DRAMA👹🤬👹🤬GCWhere stories live. Discover now