Chapter 1 ~ Of Meals and Nicknames

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After a delectable meal at Wanmin Restaurant, you pay and thank Xiangling as you leave with the Wanderer and Paimon.

"Paimon's full...let's go rest" Says Paimon, tired and filled to the brim after eating a whole Adeptus' Temptation

"I still don't know how you finished that Paimon, I'm rather impressed. Though you washed away all my mora." You say, looking at your wallet with 1,000 mora left

"Finally, another boring day is drawing to a close..." Says Wanderer, looking up at the night sky

"What?! If you thought today was boring, you could've just told us! Hmph, Paimon dislikes you...y'know...You deserve an Ugly nickname" Said an irritated Paimon, thinking of different nicknames

"Paimon- another one..? Tone-deaf bard....Pasty what?!" You say, not phased at all

"No! This angry Wanderer deserves something worse! Like...angry cat, or big hat guy with anger issues!" Paimon seems prouder with her newfound nicknames, while you sigh

"Then what do I call you, emergency food mascot?" Says the grinning Wanderer, teasing Paimon

"HEY! THAT'S WORSE THEN MASCOT AND EMERGENCY FOOD! YOU COMBINED BOTH! Paimon hates you, angry cat!" Paimon pouts, with her cheeks turning red with anger

"Well, those are rather harsh words to use, wouldn't you say~?" Wanderer said, laughing


"Still, it's rather rude coming from a mascot like you" Wanderer sticks out his tongue, as he pulls you to his side

"Right, y/n~?"

"Let go of me-" You blush, hiding it as you struggle to escape from his grasp...somehow you like it, but deny it.

"Well, you both are not worth my time, see you next morning." Wanderer walks away, leaving you and Paimon

"Paimon regrets letting you bring him to Liyue with us! He's even worse then tone-deaf bard!"

"Shut it, Paimon..because I don't..." You let your thoughts pour out into words, leaving a shocked Paimon in front of you

"WHY?! DO YOU LIKE ANGRY CAT OR SOMETHING?!" Paimon yells, as she is still surprised from your answer

"W-what?! No! Sorry, I was speaking nonsense. Let's go and rest, okay?" You walk to your room with a surprised Paimon finding your answer suspicious

The Next Morning, at 10:20

"Ahh....what a good sleep...Paimon's satisfied!" she then floats to y/n, waking you up

"GOODMORNING SLEEPYHEAD!" she yells, and you get up at a state of shock due to the noise

"Paimon...I swear..don't do that again" You say frustrated, as Paimon woke you up in a rather noisy way

", didn't we agree we were going to meet up with angry cat today?! We better hurry, we only have 5 minutes to get ready..good thing Paimon woke you up, y/n" 

You look at the clock, shocked at the time "WHAT?! OH NO, WE GOTTA HURRY"

10 minutes later, at the Adventurer's guild

"They dare they stand me up like this?! Fuck them!" Wanderer starts to walk away, as you and Paimon stop him

"BIG HAT GUY!! Sorry, y/n slept in" Says Paimon, putting the blame on you.

"Hey, you also did, Paimon! Sorry Wanderer, I didn't realize that I would wake up so late" You say, apologizing to an angry Wanderer.

"Tch. Call me what you like, y/n..On the other hand, Emergency food mascot has to stop calling me those impossible nicknames...don't you dare come up with something like emergency food mascot's, y/n" Said the Wanderer, looking away from you and Paimon

"HEY! THEN YOU STOP CALLING PAIMON THAT FIRST, ANGRY BIG HAT GUY....oh wait, wasn't it big hat guy with anger issues..?" Paimon says, grinning

While Paimon and Wanderer argue, you focus on what your commissions for today are when you hear a familiar voice...Oh, not him again

"Comrade~! How is it going? Who's the big hat guy~?"

Childe. He was the last person you wanted to bump into, especially with Wanderer. That annoying and stupid personality of his only got you in a duller mood.

"Who is tha- Oh. Y/n, why is he here.." Says an even angrier Wanderer, ready to punch Childe in front of Kathryne 

"Oh? You don't look like you are around here, kid. How do you know the travele-" He is met with a hard kick on his leg, forcing him to step back

"ARGH- I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU, WHAT DO YOU WANT?! Though you do seem familiar.." Says a Childe trying to hide his pain

You try to calm Wanderer as you are surprised Childe didn't recognize Wanderer, hm..that may be a good thing

"Childe, he just...isn't used to meeting new people, K? I advise you to stay away from us when he is here" You say, using Wanderer as an excuse for him to stay away

Childe then hears a call, It was Zhongli asking for him to go back

"Ah- Zhongli-sensei! Wait right there! Sorry Comrade~ I promised Zhongli I would eat with's also part of my chopstick lessons, I'm finally getting the hang of it!" 

"Yeah, yeah..." you push him to Zhongli, coming back to Wanderer

"So, you thought of a nickname yet, y/n?" Says Wanderer

You settle on Scara, and he let you, leaving you a bit shocked

"You two Lovebirds..when are we eating breakfast?" Said Paimon, hungrily 

Scara helps pick out a restaurant, and pays for everyone

"YUM, THAT WAS THE BEST MEAL IN TEYVAT!" Paimon rubs her tummy, licking her lips

You sigh, as that was what she said during the Spices of the West event.

The end of the day, at 7:25

"That sure was a fun day! Exploring Liyue and doing commissions really helps Paimon Calm down! But Paimon has to do all the combat, that's not fair!" Paimon lies, feeling proud

" just floated away and hid in the bushes while me and Scara were fighting.." You say, facepalming yourself

"HEY! Hmph, Paimon was still there! I was..emotional support!"

"What's there to be emotional about?"

"....argh, Paimon gives up..alright, alright, Paimon floated away and you guys did the combat.."

"Well, I claimed my rewards...shall we call it a night?" You tell Paimon and Scara, slightly tired from the combat

"...Sure, see you tomorrow then y/n.." He walks away, and you can't help but realize he wants more company, even if you are starting to travel with him

"Paimon thinks we should get him a pet, y/n! What do you think? But you are paying, of course"

You actually consider her idea a good one for the first time, as you think of the different kind of pets you could get him.

"𝓒𝓪𝓽𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓞𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓸𝓪𝓭" - Wanderer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now