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Hi, this is warning things or something, I dunno. You can suggest ideas or request things and stuff, I will do that, as long as there are No NSFW nonsense and stuff, you can keep that to yourself. Suggestions and stuff are fine, just nothing the big man upstairs wouldn't approve of, he's been coming down complaining about noise, and I'm about to be evicted if I don't stay clean. So just, nothing weird, I don't do that stuff. I will also say I do not cuss! If my writing has cuss words, I will say, don't worry, and now, enjoy your world of happiness or cringe, or you can have both sides of the spoon, I don't care, I'm writing this at 11:05 pm where I'm from! I'm so brain dead, it doesn't affect me anymore! Now, no more procrastination, let's begin!

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