T-t-the Next Day

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Mela was more energized than usual for the next day, probably because a certain boy was on her mind. She felt very weird finding herself daydreaming about him, thinking that he could never like back another person who daydreamed like that. She soon googled, and I quote "Why is my stomach eating itself when I think of this really cute boy??" (She's very literal in Google searches)


~Mela's POV~

Huh, turns out I'm not dying. It's called a crush, I considered that, but love was such an unknown concept to me I simply passed it off. Crushes feel nice. And now I can feel that feeling again at class! Should I tell my friends? Would they make fun of me? These fears started to melt away at her confidence, but one thought of Y/n brought back those funny emotions. Today will be a good day, I'm sure of it!


Ok, sooo, I have decided! My friends ought to know! I'm going to go tell them! Right now!

"Hey guys!" I yelled at the other bosses. They turned around to look at me, "I have something to say to you all!" Id say my posture was pretty strong because it makes me feel very confident. This yelling technique always made me confident.

"What do you want?" Ortega called, his tiny but sassy voice yelling at me. He waddled over, and the rest of the team followed.

Then suddenly a lump in my throat started to form. Uh oh. It felt like liquid embarrassment pulsed through my veins.

"I, eh, umm," I started to stutter, my strong posture seemingly limping.

"Well? If you got something to say then just say it! I'd judge you more if you just keep biting your tongue and wimpering!" Ortega shouted.

"Ortie! That isn't nice!" Eri cried. But those words sorta motivated me. My strong posture inflated back up again as I yelled,

"I HAVE A CRUSH!" My face was now stubborn and determined as I now watched the other's reactions. Almost everyone looked shocked, but Ortega looked kinda pleased, probably feeling very proud of himself for scaring the news out of me. Big deal.

"Who?" Giacomo piped up.

"It's y/n, the new guy." I said, very happy that the news was taken so well.

"We're so happy you told us!" Eri said, just as Ortega said,

"Y/n? He seems pretty cool, but what do you see in him?"

"Well, he's super cute, he's handsome, and sweet, and kind, and I get this feeling where I want to bite his cheeks off for some reason. Is that normal?"

"I dunno, I mean, do what makes you feel happy, I guess," He muttered, leaning on his staff.

"Maybe thou should tell him!" Atticus chimed in, after quietly observing the conversation. I think my face turned that super red color again.

"Tell him?!? How?!?" I cried.

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