The Interview

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Author POV

Finally! THE INTERVIEW day has come for Taehyung. The start of his mission. He have to pass this interview to continue what his father had set to him and it is so important for him.

He wore formal dress and he is looking very decent, calm and so handsome. He wore a plain light blue shirt paired with dark blue pants in which he is looking stunning.

He came down while keeping watch on his wrist and checking himself again. His mother showed up infront of him in the meanwhile and shocked to see her son being so handsome.

Mrs Kim: Taehyung-aa!! You know what?? You got my genes... That's why you are so handsome... That interviewer will give you the job just by your looks

Taehyung got shy and looked down while Mr Kim heard this conversation while coming to hall and looked at his son and wife hopelessly and with a done face 😑

Mrs Kim: what? Why are you looking like that

He knows it will turn into an unwanted silly fight about who Taehyung resembles more so he covered it up

Mr Kim: Nothing.... I just woke up so that's how I look

He said and laughed awkwardly

Mrs Kim: Anyway... Taehyung, you can do it... Fighting

His mother cheered him.

Taehyung: Yes mom... By the way, Dad?? Aren't you coming to office?

Mr Kim: I will be there in an hour or two.

Taehyung: Alright! It's almost time for my interview.. I should leave now..

Mr and Mrs Kim: All the Best

They both said in unison, which made Taehyung chuckle. After bidding byes, he started to drive car and in 20 mom he reached to his office(soon to be his). After parking his car, he came out and went near reception table. While going there, many people stared or took glances at him again and again which he noticed sometimes.

Taehyung: Excuse me, may I know where the interview for marketing department is happening??

Receptionist: Yes, it is happening in the floor of marketing department which is 7th floor.

She said seductively which taehyung has not noticed. He thanked her and went near the elevator. Some one in the elevator had already pressed 7 and the door was about to close when an elegant girl entered. Some people in the elevator bowed to her first and then she bowed lightly with her head to them, which made Taehyung and few other people in the elevator realise that she is someone with a high status in this company. Taehyung felt something familiar about her.

After they reached 7th floor, he came out of the elevator and was shocked on how much the company has changed in the past few years. Then he heard the announcement and went to the place where the interview is happening.

Taehyung POV

One of the employee started to call our names to check who were present at the interview. I shocked on seeing almost 20-30 people coming for an interview for just one department, but I suddenly remembered my father's words....

"before you become the CEO and take over the company I want you to know about the company and I want to protect you before revealing you to the world as my successor."

Dad had not told me the exact reason about why he took this decision. But I know even though he was harsh, he always takes the best decisions. He took best decision then by keeping me hidden from this world and I will prove the world that he took the best decision now too.

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