I was nominated for this

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I was nominated to do a thing where I tell you ten things about me so here you go
1. I love Creepy pastas
2. I love 5 Nights at Freddy's
3. My two best friends in and out of Wattpad are SilverH3dgehogGaming and Theshadowmaster456
4. I am 12 years old
5. My birthday is 8/20/02
6. My parents have been divorced ever since I was two
7. My sister is on Wattpad (I don't know her account's name though).
8. I am crazy and energetic
9. I have anxiety and A.D.D. (from my divorced parents)
10. I live in the U.S. In Alabama
Their you have it, ten amazing things about me as a person.

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