The Power Of Dancing

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"Hurry Sav, we're gonna be late!", Phil's voice filtered through the bathroom door, the curly-haired man inside of it only sighing in return and continuing to tug on a protesting blonde curl that refused to stay in its place. Looking at his reflection in the small mirror above the sink he met his own dull blue eyes that had once sparkled in an ocean blue. He just looked tired nowadays, ever since that stupid chick had broken his heart. He had found her one day in bed with some stranger when he had come home and he was still mourning over it, even though it was stupid of him to waste so many thoughts on her since she clearly didn't deserve any of his attention.

Phil consistently told him the same thing and therefore tried to get him out and into clubs, hoping that he'd find someone to hook up with. But so far, his advances hadn't been successful at all. As stubborn as he was, Sav had always refused to start a conversation with any girl.

His mood was getting worse each day and by now it had robbed him of all of his former happiness. He started fearing that he would end up alone for his whole life.

Today was not that different, except for the fact that Phil didn't actually take him out into a club. He only insisted on Sav tagging along to his dancing course that he was taking together with a guy he fancied. It was an open beginner dancing course for everyone and they were so open that they didn't even care who was dancing with whom. You could just take your best friend and try it out.

Phil had forced Sav to go since he wanted him to rate his current dancing stage in order to know how long he would have to keep taking the lessons. It was a shitty excuse since Sav knew he would go on with the lessons because of Steve, the handsome blonde Phil had eyed for a few months by now, either way. He insisted that they weren't dating but Sav knew better. His best friend's sparkling eyes told him everything he needed to know on that matter.

Sighing again and ruffling one hand through his curls he finally called it quits, stepping out of the bathroom only to find his impatient mate by the front door, already dressed in both his jacket and boots.

"Sav! God, will you please hurry? Don't wanna keep Steve waiting- I mean, don't wanna miss the lesson!", he exclaimed with a small blush rising to his cheeks, throwing Sav's jeans jacket over to him while opening the door to step out into the hallway in front of their apartment.

"Calm down mate, we're not gonna be late. You can wait by the car though if you're so excited to get going", Sav replied with a slightly annoyed undertone in his calm voice, causing Phil to flip him off before hurrying down the staircase and humming an ecstatic tune that echoed off the stairway walls.

Sav just continued to tie his white basketball hightops, pulling the jeans jacket on before grabbing his keys and closing the door behind him. Why was he doing this again? He had absolutely no idea.

"SAAAAV!!", Phil's voice echoed through the stairway again, leaving him with no choice if he didn't want to get beaten up big time. With an eye roll, he took off down the staircase until he reached the underground car park, hurrying across the parking lot and over to Phil's tiny red car that was already running. As soon as he got into the passenger seat Phil started driving, leaving him with almost no time to pull the door closed properly. He just huffed and chose to ignore his best friend after that, after all, he wasn't doing this willingly and therefore didn't need a reason for his pissed-off behavior.

The car ride was uneventful, much to Sav's pleasure. He just wanted his peace for once. But as soon as they arrived, Phil started his incredibly hyped-up behavior again, pulling him by the arm to a large black door that seemed to belong to a dance studio.

"How do I look, Sav? Am I too dressed up? What do you think?", Phil asked him quite panicked, the insecurity in his voice throwing Sav for a loop. So this really was something incredibly important for his best mate. He gave him a quick once over; the snug-fitting, tight blue jeans and the white blouse with the first three buttons undone, the jingling silvery bracelets and matching necklace, and the expertly done black eyeliner rimming his blue eyes. He looked a bit too dressed up for a simple dance lesson but Sav chose to keep that to himself.

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