Ok so a couple of days ago I caught the bus home. It was fricking half an hour late and then it turned out to be a tiny bus and the school it picks up before mine has like a million people. I was one of the first people to get on the bus so I had to squish down to the back.
You know how that 'cool squad' always sits at the back? Yeah well yay-for-me I got to stand in the hallway bit of the bus next to them since there are never any bloody seats free.
Anyway beware I could get all feminist and shit right here.
Ok so these guys kept poking me and so just ignored them, and then I heard one of them saying "she's actually hot".
Eventually they actually said something because I kept ignoring them. "Why are you so unsociable?" So naturally I rolled my eyes and ignored them.
As soon as I got near my bus stop I pressed the red button and they were all like "Oh no don't leave!"
Pretty much I grabbed my little brother and was like "MOVE BITCHES" and stormed off the bus.
The End.
Hope y'all liked my motherfuckin rant -.-