Alphabet with Chris

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A - attention

Chris loves to have attention no matter where you guys are at.

B - bed

When you guys go to sleep Chris will wait until you fall asleep to make sure that you are ok

C - cuddles

Chris loves cuddles. He will cuddle you any chance he gets

D - driving

You guys love going out for late night drives

E - eating

If your a picky eater Chris will make something and make sure he doesn't put the thing you don't like in the food

F - fun

You guys love having fun no matter where you guys go

G - gaming

If Chris is playing a game and you ask to play he will let you play and teach you how to play it if you don't know how to play it

H - hugs

When you guys hug he will not let go of the hug until you do

I - insomnia

Same as B. He will stay up with you until you go to bed

J - jokes

He loves to joke around with you but will not take it to far so he won't hurt your feelings

K - kissing

When he kisses you he will make it sweet and like he really means it

L - lies

You guys never lie to eachother

M - make-up

When you guys get into an argument he would make it up to you by letting you do want you wanna do for the rest of the day

N - no

If you say no to something he won't pressure you into doing something or he won't do it

O - options

You guys come across something you guys will give you option to it

P - patience

You guys are very patient will eachother

Q - questions

He always has how your day was and always checks up on you

R - ranting

If one of you needs to rant about something you will listen to eachother

S - sick

If one of you guys are sick you won't leave the other persons side until you or him is better

T - tv

If your watching TV you will agree on a movie/ TV series or you take turns picking something out

U - understanding

He understands if you don't want to do something

V - venting

If one of you need to get something off of your chest the other will listen

W - waking up

When one of you wake up the other will stay in bed until the other is awake

X -

Y - you

Chris loves everything about you.

Z -

Missing letters I had no idea what to put there

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