:Chapter 3:

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Jihye chuckled remembering tht time.

"Tht day was kinda hectic wasn't it?" Yeon said, bringing Jihye back from her mind.
Jihye just smiled in response.
"Ah right Jihyun, ur timetable and the map of the school, I send it you to yesterday. Did you see it?" Yeon asked.
"Mmh I saw it, the school really big isn't?" Jihyun replied opening up his phone.
"It is and you better get going if you want to get to ur class on time." Yeon told Jihyun.
"Okayyy MR. Yeon. Noona are you leaving now?" Hyun asked Jihye who still appeared to be thinking abt somthing.
"Ah yea, I still have to meet Taehyun. I'll take my leave then."Jihye said, bowing to Yeon.
"Mmh okay, drive safely."
"I'll also leave then. Thank you samchon*." Hyun said.
"If you have any problems, come here or call me okay?" Yeon said knowing Hyun wouldn't do or tell anything to worry others.
"Okay." Jihyun said while walking out.
"Hyun-ah send me ur timetable okay?" Jihye told Hyun as they were walking down the hallway.
"Okay noona."
"Then I'll leave now." Jihye said knowing tht she could end up late at this point.
"Okayy, drive safely noona." Hyun said bowing to her.
Jihye smiled and walked away.
Hyun took out his phone to check the way to his first class which was anatomy.
(*Uncle in Korean)


I was walking down the hallway to my first class when suddenly I was hugged from behind.

"Jihyun-ah ur in this school too?" I heard the voice behind me say.
I turned around to check who it was and....
"Haru hyung?"
"Hey, It's been quite a long time." Haru hyung said, having tht cute smile on his face he had since day 1.
Haru hyung was one of the only people (besides noona) that helped me get through high school.
If he hadn't been there, I wouldn't be here, alive.
"Hyung, you study here too?" I asked to him who was still smiling as brightly.
"Mmh,I'm in business, 2nd year. You?"
"Freshman" I said,while looking at my wristwatch.
"Oh hyung i shoud really go,My class start in a few." I hurriedly bowed to hyung and waved him goodbye.
"Oh rght,meet me at the cafeteria during lunch okay?"Haru hyung shouted after me.
"Okay." I shouted back.

The anatomy classroom was alot farther than i thought.
It took me some time to get there and by time I did ,the bell had already rung.
I caught my breathe outside the class.
"Fighting"I whispered to myself and knocked on the door.
"Yes,come in" Female voice from inside said.
I opened the door and quickly apologizd for being late.
"Since its your first day I'll give you a pass." The teacher said.
"Thank you."I replied and quickly walked away to find myself a seat.
"Hey kid,where are you going? introduce yourself." The teacher said .
"Ah rght."I walked to the front of the class embarrassed.
"Hello, My names Lee Jihyun, please take care of me." I said bowing.
"Yah, your cute." a guy from the end of the class shouted.
I just kept my head down, all I heard was chuckles.
"Am I gonna go through the same thing again?" I thought to myself.
"I'm Mrs.Choi. You have alot to catch up since you joined in middle of the semester. Lim Jaewon, Is it possible for you to help him?" Mrs Choi asked some guy in the class.
While tryna find the jaelim guy, another student barged into the class.
"Seok Yujun I've told you countless times not to barge in like that, atleast show up on time if you're gonna do that." Mrs. Choi said shouting at the tall brunette tht just came in.
"I'm sorry? Is that what you wanna hear?" the supposed yeojun guy said.
"There's no use huh? Go to ur seat."Mrs Choi said, she sounded so fed up with whoever this guy was.
"Back to you, Lim Jaewon, is he not there in the class?" Mrs Choi said getting pissed off.
"He's at the surf club. His club's preparing for a trip." the Yujun guy said.
"Then why aren't you with them? You're in the surf club too." Mrs.choi asked, she sounds less pissed off?
"I'm not the vice-president of the club like him." Yujun replied, clearly seeming pissed off with this jaelim guy.
Just as Mrs.choi was about to ask something else, someone knocked on the door.
A tall umm lifeless looking guy? entered the class.
He quickly apologized and was going to his seat when Mrs.choi asked him something.
"Jaewon-ah will you help jihyun to catch up on the syllabus since he joined late? I don't take no as an answer. I'm leaving him under your care." Mrs.choi said without evn waiting for jaewon to speak.
He didn't look like he cared anyway.
"Jihyun you go sit beside Yujun, that's the only empty seat left. And Yujun don't disturb him. Since everyones here shall we start the class? Turn to page 45 in ur textbook." Mrs.choi would make a amazing rapper. She speaks so fast.
I went and sat beside th Yujun guy and just took out my textbook.
I could see that guy stare at me from the corner of my eye but I just ignored that to not cause any trouble.

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